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Air-purifying houseplants

You may have heard of air-purifying houseplants. In addition to being very beautiful and decorative, these beauties are also super nice to regulate our indoor climate. They therefore help to improve the air quality, provide better acoustics and turn your home into an atmospheric palace. So win-win!

Why air-purifying houseplants?

In the winter we like to keep our houses nice and warm and in the summer we make sure that it is difficult for the heat to enter. New-build homes are especially well insulated these days. Sounds great, of course, but it does mean that we are dealing with dry air and too little oxygen in the house! This unhealthy air can lead to all kinds of annoying complaints, such as headaches, sleeping problems and lung problems. Some plants can contribute to a healthy and pleasant indoor climate. In addition to producing oxygen, they also have an air-purifying effect. These plants can absorb and break down harmful substances through their leaves. During the day, these air-purifying beauties convert CO2 into oxygen and introduce water vapor into the air, which improves the humidity.

Air-purifying plants in the bedroom

Air-purifying plants are therefore natural air fresheners that can break down harmful substances. The air in your home contains more harmful substances than you think. Your furniture, carpet and the paint on the wall contain quite a few chemicals. Super nice to have such a natural purifier in your home and certainly in your bedroom. They provide clean air and better sleep quality. With one of these air-purifying plants in your bedroom, you will sleep like a baby.

Ficus Lyrata

This beauty is an excellent air purifier that has emerged as one of the best in NASA research. This nurturing type is also called the violin plant, because of its extremely strong and long leaves that grow quickly. She comes from the tropical rainforest and likes a lot of sunlight. In the afternoon, when the sun is strongest, she likes to take a siesta. The bright, hot sun is not good for its leaves. Put her in indirect light in your home office and the fresh ideas will flood in!

Monstera Deliciosa

This hero also breathes fresh oxygen and removes harmful substances from the air. The 'Hole Plant' is known for its large leaves that form notches as the plant ages. The Monstera Deliciosa likes to be in a light spot, but not in direct sunlight. She likes it if you occasionally spray her leaves between watering. In this way she can also introduce water vapor into the air, which improves the humidity in the house!

Areca Lutescens

The last, but certainly not the least, air purifier that we certainly don't want to withhold from you is the Dypsis Lutescens, or the Golden Palm. A tall palm with lush, pinnate leaves on a bunch of thin stems. The gold palm is not poisonous to pets, so it is ideal if you have furry roommates in addition to green ones. It is easy to care for and will add a real tropical atmosphere to your living room!

Caring for air-purifying house plants

To give an air-purifying plant a long and happy life, we recommend that you take a good look at what your new green friend needs in terms of care. In principle, you care for an air-purifying houseplant in the same way as any other plant, but of course every air-purifying plant is unique. We are happy to share some tips with you so that you can enjoy the beauty and qualities of your air-purifying plant for as long as possible!


When you have purchased one of those air-purifying beauties, you naturally want to enjoy them for as long as possible. The location of the houseplant determines how much light the plant will catch. The ideal place is of course different for each plant. Most plants do well in partial shade, but some are true sun or shade worshipers. The leaves often show whether they are happy in their place. If the leaves turn brown or yellow, it could mean she's getting too much sun. A spot in the shade will do your air-purifying plant better!


The location and amount of light that your air-purifying plant receives also determines how much water you should give it. How much water exactly depends on the plant, but it is often the case that larger plants and plants that get a lot of sun need more water!


Nutrition is also an important part of caring for your air-purifying plant. In addition to light, water and a pleasant temperature, plants also need a good base! The potting soil that your new green friend comes in is often good. This contains certain nutrients that help your plant to stay healthy, but after a while these substances are all gone. Then it is time to give the plant food once every 1 to 2 weeks during the growth period.

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