The Aphelandra is known as the 'Zebraplant'. You might see where she got this name from, since her stripes really pop out of her leaves. The Aphelandra orignates from Brazil and loves a tropical climate. When you can recreate this in your urban jungle, she might reward your hard work as a PLNTS parent with stunning yellow flowers!
- All houseplants
- Characteristics - Easy
- Characteristics - Air purifying
- Characteristics - Pet friendly
- Characteristics - Hanging plant
- Color - Orange
- Location - Sun
- Location - Partial sun
- Location - (Half) shade
- Material - Terracotta
- Plantfamily - Aeschynanthus
- Plantfamily - Amydrium
- Plantfamily - Alocasia
- Plantfamily - Aloë Vera
- Plantfamily - Aglaonema
- Plantfamily - Anthurium
- Plantfamily - Apoballis
- Plantfamily - Araucaria
- Plantfamily - Areca
- Plantfamily - Aphelandra
- Plantfamily - Asparagus
- Plantfamily - Beaucarnea
- Plantfamily - Begonia
- Plantfamily - Brighamia
- Plantfamily - Caladium
- Plantfamily - Calathea
- Plantfamily - Caryota
- Plantfamily - Cedrus libani
- Plantfamily - Cercestis
- Plantfamily - Ceropegia
- Plantfamily - Cissus
- Plantfamily - Cocos
- Plantfamily - Codiaeum
- Plantfamily - Coffea
- Plantfamily - Coleus
- Plantfamily - Ctenanthe
- Plantfamily - Dieffenbachia
- Plantfamily - Dischidia
- Plantfamily - Dracaena
- Plantfamily - Dypsis
- Plantfamily - Epiphyllum
- Plantfamily - Epipremnum
- Plantfamily - Euphorbia
- Plantfamily - Episcia
- Plantfamily - Ficus
- Plantfamily - Fittonia
- Plantfamily - Hemionitis
- Plantfamily - Homalomena
- Plantfamily - Hoya
- Plantfamily - Maranta
- Plantfamily - Hypoestes
- Plantfamily - Iresine
- Plantfamily - Jewel Orchid
- Plantfamily - Musa
- Plantfamily - Monstera
- Plantfamily - Nephrolepis
- Plantfamily - Oxalis
- Plantfamily - Pachira
- Plantfamily - Peperomia
- Plantfamily - Platycerium
- Plantfamily - Philodendron
- Plantfamily - Phlebodium
- Plantfamily - Pilea
- Plantfamily - Piper
- Plantfamily - Pinus
- Plantfamily - Polyscias
- Plantfamily - Rhaphidophora
- Plantfamily - Rhipsalis
- Plantfamily - Sansevieria
- Plantfamily - Saxifraga
- Plantfamily - Schefflera
- Plantfamily - Schismatoglottis
- Plantfamily - Scindapsus
- Plantfamily - Senecio
- Plantfamily - Spathiphyllum
- Plantfamily - Strelitzia
- Plantfamily - Stromanthe
- Plantfamily - Succulent
- Plantfamily - Syngonium
- Plantfamily - Tillandsia
- Plantfamily - Tradescantia
- Plantfamily - Xanthosoma
- Plantfamily - Yucca
- Plantfamily - Zamioculcas
- Plantfamily - Fatsia Japonica
- Room - Bathroom
- Room - Bedroom
- Room - Kitchen
- Room - Livingroom
- Room - Office
- Room - Hallway
- Standing or hanging - Standing
- Style - Nature
- Style - Basic
showing all 1 results