The Peperomia is a genus of decorative tropical plants native to Mexico and South America. We don’t want you to get lost in this wonderful genus, because with more than 1000 known species this is actually possible. Let us show you some different types of Peperomia!
- All houseplants
- Characteristics - Easy
- Characteristics - Air purifying
- Characteristics - Pet friendly
- Characteristics - Hanging plant
- Color - Orange
- Location - Sun
- Location - Partial sun
- Location - (Half) shade
- Material - Terracotta
- Plantfamily - Aeschynanthus
- Plantfamily - Amydrium
- Plantfamily - Alocasia
- Plantfamily - Aloë Vera
- Plantfamily - Aglaonema
- Plantfamily - Anthurium
- Plantfamily - Apoballis
- Plantfamily - Araucaria
- Plantfamily - Areca
- Plantfamily - Aphelandra
- Plantfamily - Asparagus
- Plantfamily - Beaucarnea
- Plantfamily - Begonia
- Plantfamily - Brighamia
- Plantfamily - Caladium
- Plantfamily - Calathea
- Plantfamily - Caryota
- Plantfamily - Cedrus libani
- Plantfamily - Cercestis
- Plantfamily - Ceropegia
- Plantfamily - Cissus
- Plantfamily - Cocos
- Plantfamily - Codiaeum
- Plantfamily - Coffea
- Plantfamily - Coleus
- Plantfamily - Ctenanthe
- Plantfamily - Dieffenbachia
- Plantfamily - Dischidia
- Plantfamily - Dracaena
- Plantfamily - Dypsis
- Plantfamily - Epiphyllum
- Plantfamily - Epipremnum
- Plantfamily - Euphorbia
- Plantfamily - Episcia
- Plantfamily - Ficus
- Plantfamily - Fittonia
- Plantfamily - Hemionitis
- Plantfamily - Homalomena
- Plantfamily - Hoya
- Plantfamily - Maranta
- Plantfamily - Hypoestes
- Plantfamily - Iresine
- Plantfamily - Jewel Orchid
- Plantfamily - Musa
- Plantfamily - Monstera
- Plantfamily - Nephrolepis
- Plantfamily - Oxalis
- Plantfamily - Pachira
- Plantfamily - Peperomia
- Plantfamily - Platycerium
- Plantfamily - Philodendron
- Plantfamily - Phlebodium
- Plantfamily - Pilea
- Plantfamily - Piper
- Plantfamily - Pinus
- Plantfamily - Polyscias
- Plantfamily - Rhaphidophora
- Plantfamily - Rhipsalis
- Plantfamily - Sansevieria
- Plantfamily - Saxifraga
- Plantfamily - Schefflera
- Plantfamily - Schismatoglottis
- Plantfamily - Scindapsus
- Plantfamily - Senecio
- Plantfamily - Spathiphyllum
- Plantfamily - Strelitzia
- Plantfamily - Stromanthe
- Plantfamily - Succulent
- Plantfamily - Syngonium
- Plantfamily - Tillandsia
- Plantfamily - Tradescantia
- Plantfamily - Xanthosoma
- Plantfamily - Yucca
- Plantfamily - Zamioculcas
- Plantfamily - Fatsia Japonica
- Room - Bathroom
- Room - Bedroom
- Room - Kitchen
- Room - Livingroom
- Room - Office
- Room - Hallway
- Standing or hanging - Standing
- Style - Nature
- Style - Basic
showing all 6 results