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The Bearded Plantaholic

We're thrilled to announce that we've teamed up with one of the biggest plant lovers, Jonny from @thebeardedplantaholic! With his endless love for everything green, Jonny has handpicked a selection of his favorite plants and together we've transformed his botanical dreams into reality! We’ve created two exceptional boxes, each brimming with green happiness!


Message from Jonny!

Dudes! It’s me Jonny - and I’ve carefully selected and curated the plants inside these boxes especially for you! I have included what I believe is a happiness box filled with my plant favourites and “must haves”!

For years now I have a symbiotic relationship with plants living in and nurturing my jungle home daily. Together with PLNTS, I’m here to inspire you to discover how to create your very own indoor jungle!

Now let’s dive into the contents of those boxes!

Collaboration box S

PLNTS x The Bearded Plantaholic

Discover what's in this box and find out Jonny's tips!

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Small box

Baby Anthurium Warocqueanum

For optimal growth, maintain high humidity levels of 80% or above for your Queen Anthurium. Ensure a well-draining substrate like perlite, vermiculite, pine bark, coco fiber, and compost mixed with a bit of sphagnum moss to retain moisture. Provide bright, indirect light, preferably in the morning or evening, as excessive sunlight and heat can be detrimental to its health.

Baby Philodendron Ring of Fire

Peel off the outer lining of the plug. Philodendrons, resilient by nature, thrive in diverse conditions. Let the soil dry between waterings and ensure it receives indirect sunlight for healthy growth.

Small box detail

Baby Monstera Thai Constellation

Give it bright, indirect light to preserve its stunning variegation, and water when the top layer of soil feels dry to the touch. Remember to provide support for climbing vines, like a moss pole!

Medium Senecio Rowleyanus Variegated

This is actually a succulent! Pot this one in a rocky or sandy substrate and water only when completely dry. Propagation is simple: snip off a stem piece and place it on top of the substrate. Mist it daily, and within a few weeks, roots should start to appear effortlessly.

Collaboration box M

PLNTS x The Bearded Plantaholic

Discover what's in this box and find out Jonny's tips!

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Big box

Baby Anthurium Warocqueanum

For optimal growth, maintain high humidity levels of 80% or above for your Queen Anthurium. Ensure a well-draining substrate like perlite, vermiculite, pine bark, coco fiber, and compost mixed with a bit of sphagnum moss to retain moisture. Provide bright, indirect light, preferably in the morning or evening, as excessive sunlight and heat can be detrimental to its health.

Baby Philodendron Ring of Fire

Peel off the outer lining of the plug. Philodendrons, resilient by nature, thrive in diverse conditions. Let the soil dry between waterings and ensure it receives indirect sunlight for healthy growth.

Baby Alocasia Frydek Variegata

Whether you're a fan or not, the beauty of the Frydek Alocasia is undeniable! Like all Alocasias, it thrives in consistently moist soil. Providing bright light and a warm, humid environment is ideal, but it can still flourish in typical home conditions.

Big box detail

Baby Philodendron Paraiso Verde

Over time, I've observed that this plant's variegation responds to heat. Cold conditions cause the leaves to lose their variegation and turn green, but increasing warmth restores it. Interestingly, there's a noticeable difference in leaf appearance between winter and summer!

Medium Philodendron Glad Hands

The Philodendron Glad Hands lives up to its Philodendron reputation! It's incredibly easy, hardy, and almost impossible to kill. If it starts to wilt from dryness, just water it lightly, and it'll bounce back quickly. Since it's a climber, provide something for it to cling to like a moss pole or a piece of wood.

Large Monstera Thai Constellation

Give it bright, indirect light to preserve its stunning variegation, and water when the top layer of soil feels dry to the touch. Remember to provide support for climbing vines, like a moss pole!

Jonny profile

Let's connect!

Step into Jonny's green world and let the plant magic begin! Find his daily dose of greenery on Instagram, Facebook, Tiktok and Youtube.

Get ready for lots of fun, tips and advice, and catch a glimpse of the life of a real plant-hoarder with a jungle home where every corner bursts with foliage!

Follow Jonny on his social media channels and become a part of the 'tiny phone people' squad!

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Hi, I'm Emma, your guide!

Hi, I’m Emma, your guide!