What is a terrarium?
Bottle gardens were already a real hype in the 1960s and 1970s. Now they are back and we really like that! A terrarium is a closed glass jar with baby plants in it. Because these small plants are contained in a sealed glass bottle, they become self-sufficient. Make sure the plants get a good start and they will require little further attention. Once you have set up the terrarium, the humidity and temperature remain fairly constant and the plants are protected against external influences. In this way a terrarium forms its own mini ecosystem!
Terrarium supplies
Want to make your own terrarium? Awesome! Do not forget to put the following items on your shopping list, because they are indispensable when making a beautiful terrarium.
- A clean bottle that can be closed well with, for example, a large cork. Make sure that the opening is large enough: after all, some baby plants have to go through!
Baby Prostrata
The Peperomia Prostrata (Baby) originates from South America and is a climbing or hanging plant. This cute baby plant has thick round leaves that resemble a succulent plant in shape. When she starts growing she stretches her stems proudly in the air. Is she becoming a bit bigger? Let her hang in a hanging pot. The Baby Peperomia Prostrata can also thrive as a creeping plant in a terrarium.
Baby Fern
Definitely one of our cutest baby plants: the Asparagus Fern (Baby). She is a mix between an asparagus plant and a curly fern. Like all ferns, the Baby Asparagus Fern loves a moist environment, such as a glass terrarium!
Baby Macodes Petola
The Macodes Petola Jewel Orchid (Baby) is truly a gem among orchids. She likes high humidity and is therefore perfect to shine in a glass terrarium. The leaves of this rare plant resemble small lightning bolts, which immediately draws your attention. This beauty comes from Southeast Asia where she grows on the forest floor or on shady hills. Will she shine in your terrarium soon?