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Top 15 shadow plants in 2024
It’s already mid-autumn, winter is getting closer… and the days are getting shorter! Now is the time when even the lucky plant parents with bright houses have to face the struggle of decreased light. But don’t worry! We have made the perfect selection of shadow plants for you, which are trendy in 2024 and can still thrive in low light. So if you also feel like you are constantly chasing the sun and don’t want to bother with grow lights, these plants are the ones for you.
1. Anthurium Vittarifolium
If there has to be one Anthurium in this list, it has to be the Anthurium Vittarifolium! If you’re looking for a striking plant to place on a dark shelf, look no more. Long, narrow and leathery leaves with a beautiful green… It is almost a must-have in terms of interior design! And guess what? Unlike most Anthuriums, it will do fine in low light and low humidity. The perfect shade plant without a doubt!
2. Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma Variegata
We all know the Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma, mostly known as Monstera Minima, but do you know its white variegated version? That’s right, the Raphidophora Tetrasperma Variegata exists and it’s a stunner! Can you picture such a beauty running on your walls and decorating the dark corners of your house? It’s a dreamy shadow plant!
3. Epipremnum Pinnatum Marble Variegata
I don’t know about you, but I feel really happy to be able to put the Epipremnum Pinnatum Marble Variegata in this list. Finally, an aroid that will size up easily in shadow, and has everything we could look for in a plant. Variegations? Check. Beautiful fenestrations? Check. Resistant to drought? Check. Doesn’t need high humidity? Double check!
4. Philodendron Gloriosum
The Philodendron Gloriosum is one of those big leaves aroids that will need a high level of light if you start growing it from a baby. But here is a little trick (tested and approved): skip the baby stage if you can’t provide lots of light, and get yourself a teenage plant or better yet, a mature one! It will get full and keep throwing big leaves out without any issue.
5. Macodes Petola (Jewel Orchid)
There are gonna be several Jewel Orchids in this list, but of course the Macodes Petola is the first. Its little leaves look like they have been struck by lightning or infused with gold glitters. Imagine having it displayed in a cute little terrarium on your living room table. All of your guests will be in awe!
6. Anthurium Clarinervium
The Anthurium Clarinervium, with its cardboard-textured heart-shaped dark leaves, is very much a statement plant. It will stand out wherever you place it and will fit with any style, whether it is a graphic and modern interior or a vintage house. We cannot get enough of it!
7. Ceropegia Woodii Variegata
Who said cute? We did! Look at that Ceropegia Woodii Variegata. You may know it as the chain of hearts plant. It’s adorable and will produce very long vines, ornate of little plumpy hearts. That would look great alongside your wardrobe, for instance. Perfect if you have low light!
8. Syngonium Aurea Variegata
The Syngonium Aurea Variegata is, you guessed it, the yellow counterpart of the Syngonium Albo Variegata. And just like its cousin, it does not require much light to thrive! With these vibrant colours, you will enlighten any gloomy corner of the room. And the yellow is even brighter when you see it in real life!
9. Macodes Lowii (Jewel Orchid)
Ok, it’s time for another Jewel Orchid, and no, it won’t be the last because they are so easy to grow in low light (and so pretty, obviously)! The Macodes Lowii has the same growth pattern as the Macodes Petola, but its colours are very different. With this plant, we lose the green to make room for a dark, deep black with light green and yellow veins. Somehow, it also manages to have hints of orange. An incredible plant!
10. Maranta Cat Moustache (NoID)
Do you love Marantas but their vibrant colours are sometimes a bit too much for you? In that case, behold the Maranta Cat Moustache! Its leaves are a gradient of grey and black, which makes this plant a very elegant lady. It will dance for you throughout the day following the movement of the light. This skill allows the plant to capture as much light as possible, even in a heavily shaded place.
11. Hoya Krohniana Black
Usually, dark foliage indicates that a plant can tolerate lower levels of light. And that is exactly the case for this black version of the Hoya Krohniana! The Hoya Krohniana Black has dark, cute little pointy leaves, with a certain plumpiness to it that is hard to describe. You can let it trail or climb alongside some furniture, even if that means leaving it in the shadow.
12. Philodendron White Princess
We don’t need to introduce this plant anymore. The Philodendron White Princess does surprisingly well in a shaded area. The variegations remain quite stable and the plant will size up quite consistently until it reaches a certain size and then it will remain stable (unless you start giving more light). But even if you don’t get the fully XXXL leaves of the mature Philodendron, it will remain a gorgeous plant!
13. Philodendron Scandens Micans
The Philodendron Scandens Micans is an all-time favourite of plant lovers. Sure, it doesn’t get huge leaves, but sometimes less is more. Imagine it trailing all over your bookshelf. Surely its cute, dark and velvety leaves will enhance any room, even the shaded ones!
14. Asparagus Setaceus Fern
There had to be at least one fern in this list, considering that they are very used to low-light environments. The Asparagus Setaceus Fern might be the lightest, fluffiest plant to be. If plants were made of soft feathers, that’s exactly how they would look like. Sure, it needs a bit of higher humidity, but nothing too crazy either. It would do wonders in a bathroom with a teeny tiny window. Ferns are perfect if you have low light!
15. Ludisia Discolor (Jewel Orchid)
The last of the Jewel Orchids in this list to finish with beauty! The Ludisia Discolor is less fussy than the others, because you can grow it outside of a terrarium. It does not need much light or humidity. Its dark, simple leaves have a certain character that we cannot deny.
If you feel like you have not had your fill of shadow plants, then have a look at our shade houseplants category! Or perhaps you are looking for a pet-friendly houseplant, or an air-purifying plant? We have everything you can dream of on PLNTS.com!

Lisa G
Lisa is a true plant enthusiast at heart, and her passion for greenery knows no bounds! Her apartment is a lush oasis, filled with the most unusual and exotic plants. So, if you're ever in need of plant-related guidance, she's your girl!
November 07, 2023