The Begonia is a genus in the Begoniaceae family and she is very popular! We think the Begonia is so popular because of her many different, beautiful and unique forms, the most famous being the Angel Wing/Polka Dot Begonia. There is a Begonia for everyone!
- new releases
- Characteristics - Easy
- Characteristics - Air purifying
- Characteristics - Pet friendly
- Characteristics - Hanging plant
- Color - Orange
- Color - White
- Color - Black
- Color - Grey
- Color - Yellow
- Color - Brown
- Color - Green
- Color - Blue
- Color - Taupe
- Color - Pink
- Color - Red
- Color - Creme
- Location - Sun
- Location - Partial sun
- Location - (Half) shade
- Material - Ceramic
- Material - Jute
- Material - Cotton
- Material - Leather
- Material - Terracotta
- Material - Wood
- Material - Coconut
- Material - Eco
- Material - Braided
- Material - Nursery Pot
- Plantfamily - Aeschynanthus
- Plantfamily - Amydrium
- Plantfamily - Alocasia
- Plantfamily - Aloë Vera
- Plantfamily - Aglaonema
- Plantfamily - Anthurium
- Plantfamily - Apoballis
- Plantfamily - Araucaria
- Plantfamily - Areca
- Plantfamily - Aphelandra
- Plantfamily - Asparagus
- Plantfamily - Beaucarnea
- Plantfamily - Begonia
- Plantfamily - Brighamia
- Plantfamily - Caladium
- Plantfamily - Calathea
- Plantfamily - Caryota
- Plantfamily - Cedrus libani
- Plantfamily - Cercestis
- Plantfamily - Ceropegia
- Plantfamily - Cissus
- Plantfamily - Cocos
- Plantfamily - Codiaeum
- Plantfamily - Coffea
- Plantfamily - Coleus
- Plantfamily - Ctenanthe
- Plantfamily - Dieffenbachia
- Plantfamily - Dischidia
- Plantfamily - Dracaena
- Plantfamily - Dypsis
- Plantfamily - Epiphyllum
- Plantfamily - Epipremnum
- Plantfamily - Euphorbia
- Plantfamily - Episcia
- Plantfamily - Ficus
- Plantfamily - Fittonia
- Plantfamily - Hemionitis
- Plantfamily - Homalomena
- Plantfamily - Hoya
- Plantfamily - Maranta
- Plantfamily - Hypoestes
- Plantfamily - Iresine
- Plantfamily - Jewel Orchid
- Plantfamily - Musa
- Plantfamily - Monstera
- Plantfamily - Nephrolepis
- Plantfamily - Oxalis
- Plantfamily - Pachira
- Plantfamily - Peperomia
- Plantfamily - Platycerium
- Plantfamily - Philodendron
- Plantfamily - Phlebodium
- Plantfamily - Pilea
- Plantfamily - Piper
- Plantfamily - Pinus
- Plantfamily - Polyscias
- Plantfamily - Rhaphidophora
- Plantfamily - Rhipsalis
- Plantfamily - Sansevieria
- Plantfamily - Saxifraga
- Plantfamily - Schefflera
- Plantfamily - Schismatoglottis
- Plantfamily - Scindapsus
- Plantfamily - Senecio
- Plantfamily - Spathiphyllum
- Plantfamily - Strelitzia
- Plantfamily - Stromanthe
- Plantfamily - Succulent
- Plantfamily - Syngonium
- Plantfamily - Tillandsia
- Plantfamily - Tradescantia
- Plantfamily - Xanthosoma
- Plantfamily - Yucca
- Plantfamily - Zamioculcas
- Plantfamily - Fatsia Japonica
- Room - Bathroom
- Room - Bedroom
- Room - Kitchen
- Room - Livingroom
- Room - Office
- Room - Hallway
- Standing or hanging - Standing
- Standing or hanging - Hanging
- Style - Crafted
- Style - Design
- Style - Nature
- Style - Standing
- Style - Hanging
- Style - Basic
- Style - Handmade
- Style - Fun
showing all 6 results