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Our favourite indoor hanging plants that look great in every interior

Are you a real PLNTSlover, but do you think that you don’t have any space left for new plants? Hanging plants can be the ideal solution to take your plant collection to the next level! Spots like your windowsill and floors are probably already taken, but have you thought of cabinets, the ceiling, wall shelves or even your stairs or a decorative ladder? I mean you can never have enough plants, am I right? Besides looking gorgeous, plants also have many benefits. Did you know that hanging plants can actually improve the acoustics inside of your house? How amazing is that?

Placing your hanging plant on a high shelf or inside a cabinet are of course the most easy ways to add hanging plants to your interior. But if you are looking for a way to spice everything up, rope could be a very good option for you to play around with. Or if you are feeling extra crafty, you might want to take a look at one of our Macramé sets, to make your own macramé hanger.

So if you are looking for an easy way to give your interior a boost, these indoor hanging PLNTS can be your new favourites!

String Of Turtles

The String of Turtles is part of the succulent family, but you might also have heard of her botanical name, Peperomia Prostrata. The leaves are small and round and have a turtle shell- like print on them which is dark green in colour. She is easy to care for and she will grow multiple strings from her pot, which make her look super decorative hanging from a shelf.

Epipremnum Marble Queen

The Marble Queen owes her name because of her beautiful foliage. She’s easy to take care of, so perfect when you’re a plant beginner. She has green leaves with a beautiful marble-like print on them that is cream or white and the best thing about this plant is that she grows super fast! Depending on how much light she will get, the leaves can get more variegated, which means that more white will appear on her leaves.

Philodendron Micans Lime

This good-looking plant is called Philodendron Micans Lime, and she is an amazing hanging plant with many relatives that also enjoy hanging.

The Micans Lime has super bright green, almost yellow leaves that definitely make her stand out. If you rather prefer darker, velvety leaves than you should go for her beloved family member the Philodendron Scandens Micans. Both varieties have heart-shaped leaves that have absolutely stolen our hearts.

Senecio Rowleyanus / String Of Pearls

This adorable hanging succulent is the Senecio Rowleyanus, but she's better known as the String of Pearls or String of Beads. This cutie has green pearl shaped leaves that are round all-over and will have multiple strings filled with pearls hanging from her pot. This is really what makes her a one of a kind.

Maranta Lemon Lime

The Maranta Lemon Lime is also called the ‘prayer plant’ because of the movement of her striking leaves. Her leaves begin small and get wider towards the end of the leaf. She has a beautiful pattern on top, with lime colored nerves and a lime patterned centre. She has gorgeous dark green streaks that fade down into a lighter green. All with all, with leaves like those, you can look at her for hours.

Syngonium Mottled

This amazing looking plant is called the Syngonium Mottled. She has beautiful arrow shaped leaves, just like most Syngoniums and because of this, she is also called ‘arrowhead’. Her leaves have variegation on them, which means that she actually produces different patterns on her leaves. The thing that is very typical with her variegation is that it looks like tiny speckles and splashes. The exact color of her variegation can range from white to green, and everything in between. Her stems are green and she gets amazing aroid roots which makes her super to propagate. This green speckled treasure is also a climbing pant, but will definitely steal the show when you decide to let her hang down.

If you are looking for a plant that thrives in light, grows quickly and is also unique, then the Syngonium Mottled can be your new best friend!

Scindapsus Pictus Trebie

The Scindapsus Pictus Trebie is definitely a must have to add to your hanging plant collection. She has beautiful green leaves with silvery speckles on them. These silver speckles are different on every leaf, so she is definitely very interesting to look at! Her leaf shape is narrow and pointy and she has beautiful long stems that will droop down super pretty! Next to her pretty looks she is also very easy to take care of and she even purifies air, sounds perfect to us!

Peperomia Pepperspot

Are you ready for a tropical charm? The Peperomia Pepperspot is an enchanting plant with tiny round leaves that are green in colour. The stems are red and compliment her tiny leaves perfectly. She will grow multiple stems out of her pot, which make her very bushy very quickly. She is pet friendly and is certainly a recommendation to every plant beginner!

Ceropegia Woodii (String of Hearts)

The Ceropegia Woodii, better known as String of Hearts, is a very popular houseplant, and we completely understand that. She looks absolutely endearing because of her tiny but cute heart shaped leaves that are silver in colour, with a dark green outline and a small pattern on top. Her stems are red and her lovely leaves will give her a cuteness factor of 100% So be careful because she might steal your heart too.

Hoya Gracilis

This Hoya is in our opinion a real masterpiece. The Hoya Gracilis is really remarkable. She has oval pointed leaves that are dark green in color with a silver pattern on them. What makes her so remarkable is that these leaves come in with a burgundy glow, unfortunately this colour will not last, but it definitely looks special.

She is easy to take care of, so if you take extra good care of her, she might reward you with amazing flowers!

Wooh, we’re excited! Hopefully we’ve also got you inspired to turn literally every empty corner in your home into a green fantasy! We also have some amazing hanging pots and hanging accessories to make the picture complete.



Emma is a botanical enthusiast with an unwavering desire to share her extensive knowledge about plants with you. She's always delighted to answer your questions, provide care tips, and guide you to find the perfect plant for your space.

February 14, 2022

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Our favourite indoor hanging plants that look great in every interior |