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Most wanted Anthurium varieties in 2024

The wonderful Aroid family, so many family members and so many are so pretty! We would like to highlight a stunning aroid plant family, the Anthurium. The Anthurium, also known as Flamingo Plant or Flamingo Flowers, knows how to captivate the eye. There are lots of variations of the Anthuriums, from high glossy leaves to velvety, back to long slender leaves and on to big heart-shaped leaves. This is how this plant family knows how to capture the hearts of many plant lovers around the world. With so many to choose from, we have made a list of the most wanted Anthurium varieties in 2024. So if you are ready to see what the Anthuriums have in store for us, let’s go!

1. Anthurium Warocqueanum

The first Anthurium on our most wanted list actually deserved the title ‘Queen Anthurium’. And that is not for nothing! The foliage of this beauty is truly captivating, with the long shape that can become absolutely massive. You will also find a rich velvety structure and illuminating veins. Every characteristic of the Anthurium Warocqueanum is just right and we are proud to have added this plant to our list!

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Photo by @katieanneplants & @mothermoonshine

2. Anthurium Veitchii

Second place for the King Anthurium, the Anthurium Veitchii. This species also deserved its royal reference, by being almost too pretty to be real! Luckily the King Anthurium is more than real and will shine with glossy leaves that can become quite impressive in size. These leaves have a ribbed texture, which adds to the elegance of this plant.

Anthurium Veitchii.jpg

Photo by @plants.od & @dojo_jungle

3. Anthurium Crystallinum x Luxurians

A hybrid couldn’t be missed from this list! This is a hybrid cross between 2 highly wanted Anthurium species, let alone if they make a love baby. The Anthurium Crystallinum x Luxurians has all the characteristics that we know and love the ‘parents’ for. The structure is captivating and is so pretty in combination with that heart-shaped leaf! And the fun thing is, that these hybrids vary from each other. Kind of like siblings can vary, that is what makes this beauty just a little bit extra special!

Anthurium Crystallinum x Luxurians.jpg

Photo by & @herplantstories

4. Anthurium Villenraorum

Long leaves that fall down from the stem, and they can become quite big! The Anthurium Villenraorum knows how to impress plant lovers with these looks, deserving its spot on this list square and fair! The white veins are what complete the look, adding to its elegance and allure.

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Photo by @plantpharm615 & @thepawtedjungle

5. Anthurium Magnificum x Luxurians

Another hybrid that has beautiful structured foliage! The Anthurium Maginificum x Luxurains knows how to show characteristics from both parents, creating a perfect blend between the plants, with a dark and rich green colour, texture and big floppy heart-shaped leaves. Isn’t it stunning?!

Anthurium Magnificum x Luxurians.jpg

Photo by @chlorophiliacgal & @pams.plantlife

6. Anthurium King of Spades

This hybrid cross has unknown parents but doesn’t that mystery make this species even more appealing? The Anthurium King of Spades has big leaves that are almost black, so deep green is the colour. This rich colour is highlighted with some white veins, which adds to the grace of this plant. No wonder why so many plant lovers have this beauty on their wishlist!

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Photo by @greenifywithplants & @youdontevengrowhere

7. Anthurium Silver Blush Mint

The Anthurium Silver Blush was already a beloved Anthurium species, but now there is the Silver Blush in a Mint-coloured jacket. If you like the glittery looks, this version will be your new favourite! The foliage has this frosted look over it, including the glistering you will see when the sun hits it, stunning ain’t it?

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Photo by @silvis_jungle & @kasvientaikaa

8. Anthurium Wendlingeri

With long and narrow leaves, falling down from its pot, the Anthurium Wendlingeri already knows how to radiate this whimsical feeling. But when you know that it can produce flowers that also hang the same way, it’s just that little bit of extra spark that we love this Anthurium species for. Oh, and the allure doesn’t stop there! These flowers can be spiral-shaped, making them look unusual and really captivating. Sounds like a cool addition to your plant collection, doesn’t it?

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Photo by @greenifywithplants & @nxcplants

9. Anthurium Mettalicum

Don’t we all fall for those exaggerated leaf shapes, with fancy white veins? The Anthurium Mettalicum has those looks, looking oh so stunning! The big, slender heart shape is truly striking and have you seen how big these leaves can get? So impressive! Being as stunning as its family members, this beauty could not have missed its spot on our most wanted list!

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Photo by @verdant_velvets & @unrulybotany

10. Anthurium Crystallinum

The OG favourite Anthurium species, is the Anthurium Crystallinum. The heart-shaped leaves are really enchanting and have been loved by plant lovers for so long! This Anthurium species is quite easy to get your hands on, which makes it the perfect species to start out with. Besides, it’s such a beauty, who wouldn’t fall for that foliage?

Anthurium Crystallinum.jpg

Photo by @green.hues_ & @lianthurium

So much pretty foliage within the Anthurium family! It’s hard to pick favourites, since they all have something that just makes you never want to take your eyes off them. Are you able to pick one, or a few? Or are you adding them all to our never-ending plant wishlist? We would understand completely. If you are growing an Anthurium, we would love to see their charm. You can tag us in your Instagram post with #PLNTS, than we are able to witness your green babies. Otherwise, we hope you have enjoyed reading this most wanted Anthurium list and would love to see you return in our following blogs!

Anthurium Flamingo flowers Crystallinum


Anthurium Flamingo flowers Silver Blush
Silver Blush


Anthurium Flamingo Plant Warocqueanum


Anthurium Flamingo Flowers Villenaorum


Anthurium Flamingo Plant Magnificum




Carlijn is probably one of the biggest plant geeks ever. She is always on the lookout for new gems and loves to share all her plant knowledge, tips and inspiration with our community!

May 06, 2024

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