
Houseplant care in Spring 2024!

6 tips for plants in Spring 2024

Finally, spring is just around the corner, and that's great news for all PLNTS parents! The growing season is kicking off, and our indoor plants are ready for it. As plant parents, we can now dedicate ourselves fully to caring for our green companions. Spring marks the beginning of a new growing season, offering optimal conditions for our beloved plants to thrive. Outside, we see nature coming back to life with wildflowers, blossoms, and the first leaves appearing on trees. And naturally, we want to bring that vibrancy into our urban jungle. We're here to support you in caring for your plants this spring, so we're sharing 6 tips to assist your plants during the start of the season.

Tip 1: Water Your Plants

While your plants need water year-round, the amount may vary from season to season. During winter, most plants experience stunted or no growth and require less water due to lower temperatures, which slows down soil evaporation. With the onset of the growing season, your plants will start growing again and will require more water. Additionally, spring weather often leads to quicker evaporation from the soil, so checking soil moisture more frequently can ensure your green friends stay hydrated.

PLNTS Tip! If you struggle with watering your plants at the right time, consider using handy tools like the Tessa water meter and Naomi plant sensor.

Watering houseplants in spring

Tip 2: Feed Your Plants

Just like humans, plants need energy to grow. They convert light into energy, allowing them to grow. In nature, roots absorb nutrients from decaying leaves and animal waste. In our urban jungle, it's up to us, PLNTSparents, to provide our plants with nutrition, usually during the growing season. If your plant isn't growing much, it doesn't need extra nutrients. But as spring brings growth spurts, you can treat your plants to some plant food, available in various forms like liquid and granular.

On this page you will find our PLNTSdoctor who knows all about plant nutrition.

Nutrition for plants in spring

Tip 3. Tip 3: Dust off Your Leaves

As part of your annual deep spring cleaning, make sure to dust off your plant leaves so they can breathe fresh air. Leaves perform many functions, and if their pores are clogged, the plant becomes less efficient at processes like photosynthesis. Grab a damp cloth or our special leaf love gloves and give them a quick wipe-down.

PLNTS Tip! If your plants are in pots with drainage holes, consider giving them a shower for a good deep clean and to moisten the soil. Let them drain before placing them back to avoid water accumulating on the bottom, which can lead to root rot.

Wiping of dust of plant leaves in spring

Tip 4: Keep Your Plant Near Fresh Air, but Out of Direct Sunlight

With the onset of warmer weather, you can ventilate your urban jungle to provide fresh air. Your plants will appreciate this, but ensure there's no cold draft or direct wind on their leaves. Also, as the sun gets stronger, it can generate significant heat on window sills. Even if the outdoor temperature isn't very high yet, this can become an issue, so keep an eye out for any scorching that may appear.

PLNTS Tip! Did you know many indoor plants can thrive outdoors when the weather improves? Some can even handle outdoor conditions if the nighttime temperature doesn't drop below 15 degrees Celsius.

Plants in windowsill in spring

Tip 5: Repot Your Plants

The growing season is the perfect time to give your plants a larger pot if they've outgrown their current one. Choose a pot that's about 20% larger and fill it with fresh potting soil. You can also opt for a different substrate like Pon, which can be reused. Either way, your plant will benefit from being repotted under optimal conditions. If you're in need of new (growing) pots, check out our extensive range of plant pots.

repotting plants in spring

Tip 6: Prune and care for your Plants

After fall and winter, it's common to see plants with discolored or withered leaves. While this can be normal, it could also indicate a pest or disease issue. Always check for underlying problems causing leaf discoloration. In any case, you can prune these leaves to give your plant a fresh look. Don't worry, during this growing season, your indoor plant will develop plenty of new leaves to keep itself healthy.

PLNTS Tip! Since you've already got your (pruning) shears out, why not take this opportunity to propagate some cuttings? Curious about how to do this? Check out our propagation page.

Pruning discoloured or dead leaves in spring

Those were all our general tips for indoor plants during spring! If you want more care information about indoor plants, you can visit our PLNTSdoctor page, which provides information on various plant families. Here you'll find everything you need to know about caring for and troubleshooting indoor plants. If you have any other questions, feel free to reach out to us via Instagram. Tag us too, so we can enjoy all the new leaves your plants will produce this spring! Use the #PLNTS.

We look forward to seeing you again in our other blog posts and wishing you a fantastic spring with your green babies!



PLNTS instantly make Renée happy as she's always on the hunt for cool plant trends. Inspiring our community with interior tips, surprising DIY's and fun lists is what she does best!

March 21, 2023

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