
Tessa Watermeter Refill M Set of 2
Tessa Watermeter Refill M Set of 2

Tessa Watermeter Refill M

Set of 2


1. Size

Tessa Watermeter Refill M




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Water meter Tessa is here to show you whether your plant has enough water in its soil. Her inner core plays an important role in this but does not last forever. After 6-9 months, it is advisable to replace the inner core. How do you know when it is time for this? Remove the meter from the soil and check the opening at the bottom. If the filling has decayed, it's time to replace it with a new one. If Tessa no longer responds to a watering, you should also replace the inner core. We have the Refill in the two sizes M and L, just like Tessa. 

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