
Rare Plant Super Baby Mix Set  Productset
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Rare Plant Super Baby Mix Set  Productset
Temporarily sold out
Rare Plant Super Baby Mix Set  Productset
Temporarily sold out
Rare Plant Super Baby Mix Set  Productset
Temporarily sold out
Rare Plant Super Baby Mix Set  Productset
Temporarily sold out
Rare Plant Super Baby Mix Set  Productset
Temporarily sold out

Rare Plant Super Baby Mix Set



1. Size

Rare Plant Super Baby Mix Set




  • 250,000+ PLNTS Community followers

  • Already sent more than 100,000 plants

  • 100% recyclable packaging materials

Do you consider yourself to be the ultimate PLNTSlover? This set with 6 rare baby plants must be the one for you!

The first rare plant included in this set is the Philodendron Plowmanii. She will steal your heart with her massive heart shaped leaves and ribbeld structure.

This one also has big heart shaped leaves, but with a velvety look to them and popping white veins. The Philodendron Gloriosum is highly wanted for her looks, and we understand why!

The Philodendron Ring of Fire has long and narrow, frayed leaves. These leaves are decorated with green, soft green and white splotches. New leaves can even have an orange hue to them, cool right?

Another velvety stunner, the Philodendron Melanochrysum. The Melano has super dark foliage and her leaves are long and can become huge!

This rarity has big heart shaped leaves, with a dark green base and silverish pattern. The Philodendron Sodiroi looks very glossy and will shine super bright within your collection.

You can never have enough plants with heart shaped leaves right? The Anthurium Crystallinum has that pretty leaf shape, but has a rich and dark colour. She is adorned with white nerves in a beautiful symmetrical pattern.

This set includes the following care products:

  • 3 Liter soil
  • 6 Bamboo sticks
  • 2 bottles nutrition, 250 milliliter

A good base to grow your plant in is soil. Soil can be used for all these plants and is always handy to have on your hands when caring for plants, you never know when one of your green friends is ready to be repotted. All the included rare plants would benefit from some sort of support. That is why you will find bamboo sticks inside of this package. These sticks are a classical must have and are a sustainable product that your plants will definitely benefit from. The secret of big and healthy plants? Nutrition! You can add the included liquid nutrition to your watering routine during the growing season. This will make sure your plant is provided with enough energy to be able to grow big and lush.

This set includes:

Baby Philodendron Sodiroi
Baby Sodiroi


Baby Philodendron Ring of Fire
Baby Ring of Fire


Baby Anthurium Flamingo flowers Crystallinum
Baby Crystallinum


Potting Soil 3 liter
Potting Soil

3 liter

PLNTS Nutrition 250 ml
PLNTS Nutrition

250 ml

PLNTS Nutrition 250 ml
PLNTS Nutrition

250 ml


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