Anthurium Crystallinum

Baby  Anthurium Crystallinum

Flamingo flowers


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  • The largest range of baby plants
  • 250,000+ PLNTScommunity followers
  • Straight from the nursery

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Pot styles perfect for this plant:

Orange Terracotta Pot
Ava Pot White
Jimmy Pot Light Grey
Happy Harry Pot Beige
Lisa Pot Sea Green
    About this plant

    Isn’t this a super cute surprise! This baby Anthurium Crystallinum is special because of her attractive, oval-shaped, green velvety leaves and the strong almost white silvery veins. You will experience the wonderful changes when this baby starts to grow. A new leave will have yellow/red tones and slowly darken to a deeper green colour. Are you the PLNTparent who will allow her to grow into the special adult plant she is meant to be? We here you thinking though.. What is the difference between the Anthurium Crystallinum and the Anthurium Clarinervium? The resemblance between the two is great. The main difference is that the Crystallinum has narrower leaves and a brighter green colour, while the Clarinervium has wider darker green leaves. The Crystallinum also grows faster than the Clarinervium.

    • Diameter2cm
    • Height±10cm
    • LovesPartly shady

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    Hi, I’m Emma, your guide!