Baby Philodendron
Ring of Fire
Product reviews
Straight from the nursery
The largest range of baby plants
250,000+ PLNTS Community followers
Partly shady
Air cleaner
We would like you to meet a rare plant species… This is the Philodendron Ring of Fire! She is highly desired by PLNTSlovers around the world, including ourselves! Look at her, isn’t she absolutely phenomenal?! Long narrow frayed leaves that are covered with cream or even orange variegation. This orange colour is also where she got her name from, which we think fits her perfectly. And the best thing of all, she isn’t fussy to look after at all, yaay!
Like most Philodendrons, the Ring of Fire would like a well draining soil that is kept slightly moist at all times. To provide her with this, you can give her small waterings very regularly. Just make sure that there is no water accumulating on the bottom of her pot. She would like a spot with bright indirect light that will let her produce lots of energy to grow those magical leaves. Since she is variegated, she requires more light than non variegated plants. You can always choose to treat her with a growing light. Average room humidity is fine for her, which makes her overall a pretty easy plant to care for.
June 24, 2024
My wishlist plant. It´s such a beautiful little plant. Higly recommended. It came in perfect condition (both leaves and roots). After a week, I repotted it to a chunkier substrate. It is doing really well and growing. It took 3 days to reach our home in the Czech Republic.
Ken Cordero
June 17, 2024
Received this baby today. It looked so healthy with good root system.
Maria Mayer
February 22, 2024
I am in love with this wee baby! The variegation looks stunning! He arrived in very good condition and I cannot wait for it to grow and bring me even more joy. <3
Your order will be hand picked and packed in our strong and sustainable packaging as soon as possible, after which it will be delivered straight from our greenhouse to your door by your chosen carrier. You can follow the journey of your plants via the tracking link you receive in your mail. If you have any questions regarding your order and its shipment, you can get in contact with our support team.
We expect every order to arrive in tip-top shape. We take intensive care of the plants in our greenhouse and use special and as sustainable as possible protective packaging to ship our plants. We also wrote an extensive blog about how to unpack and prepare your plants for growth after shipping. However there are rare occasions where our plants don’t meet their full potential. That’s why all plants are guaranteed for 30 days after arrival, if still in its original nursery pot.