
In this article

  1. 1 How to Care for Rhaphidophora (Mini Monstera) - Expert Tips for Thriving Plants
  2. 1.1 Mini Monstera Care: 10 expert tips for growing it successfully
  3. 1.2 Rhaphidophora care tips
  4. 1.2.1 Light requirements
  5. 1.2.2 Watering
  6. 1.2.3 Fertilisation
  7. 1.2.4 Temperature & humidity
  8. 1.2.5 Repotting & Soil
  9. 1.3 Mini Monstera propagation
  10. 1.4 Most common pests on Rhaphidophora
  11. 1.5 Is Rhaphidophora poisonous for your pets or children?
  12. 1.6 Buy your new Mini Monstera online at

How to Care for Rhaphidophora (Mini Monstera) - Expert Tips for Thriving Plants

There is no doubt that Rhaphidophora is one of the most loved houseplants. Its beautiful leaves look like small Monstera leaves. Often, Rhaphidophora is mistaken for Monstera. Actually, Rhaphidophora and Monstera are both members of the Aracae family, which explains their striking resemblance. But they're not twins! They belong to different genera, so they are more like distant cousins.

The Rhaphidophora genus originates from Tropical Africa, Australia, Malaysia and Western Pacific. The genus consists of 100 species, and these beauties are all from the family of Araceae. These beauties are capable of beginning life just as a seed, or even be at first a terrestrial plant and climb in a tree to send roots back to the soil. Sometimes they even thrive in fast-flowing water. We call them rheophytic plants. It’s a really interesting plant, right?

Mini Monstera is an excellent choice for both beginner plant parents and experienced ones since it's extremely easy to care for. They are also excellent air purifiers! Just remember that they are climbers by heart, so they need room and space to grow and climb.


Mini Monstera Care: 10 expert tips for growing it successfully

  1. Give your Mini Monstera lots of natural light. They thrive in bright but indirect sunlight, so placing them near a window with filtered light is perfect.
  2. Medium shade is no problem for it. However, the leaves may become smaller, and the gaps between the leaves may become wider.
  3. Water carefully and avoid overwatering. Let the entire soil ball dry out a little before watering it again. It’s common for these plants to suffer from root rot due to overwatering.
  4. A Mini Monstera plant with yellow leaves may be the result of an incorrect watering routine. Your plant will feel better if you adjust your watering routine a little.
  5. Fertilise regularly. When your Mini Monstera grows fast, it also quickly consumes all nutrients. To support that rapid growth, apply liquid houseplant fertiliser once a month during the growing season.
  6. Give your Mini Monstera some space to climb. Provide it with a trellis, moss pole, or stake to climb. This helps them grow upright and encourages the development of their distinct split leaves.
  7. Clean its leaves regularly. When dust accumulates on leaves, it can affect photosynthesis. Keep the leaves clean and healthy by wiping them gently with a soft, damp cloth.
  8. Regularly trim and prune, especially if it has grown too large or become leggy. Besides managing its size, cutting back also promotes fresher, bushier growth, making the plant look healthier.
  9. Keep your eye out for pests. Common pests that can affect Rhaphidophora plants include spider mites and mealybugs. Treat problems on the leaves as soon as you notice them.
  10. If your Monstera isn't growing much, try improving its care routine and growing spot. Having a correct watering routine and a growing spot with enough light are the most important factors.

Rhaphidophora care tips

Light requirements

Like most plants in the large Aroid family, Rhaphidophora generally needs bright but indirect light. An east-facing room is the best option for your Rhaphidophora to thrive, as filtered sunlight is excellent. Just remember that too much direct sunlight can scorch the leaves of the Rhaphidophora, so be careful where you position it.

Expert tip! While it does not tolerate full sun, a little morning or evening sun will be good for its foliage. In the morning and evening, sunlight is often softer and less direct, so it won't damage the foliage as easily.

They also tolerate medium shade quite well, so you can put them away from windows. However, you will notice from their foliage that they are not entirely happy there - leaves will be smaller, and growth will be slower and leggier. Your green friend will still be beautiful, though!


Watering and humidity are important for your Rhaphidophora. Most of them are found in tropical environments, so you can imagine they like damp spaces and never stay too dry. The good news is that Rhaphidophora species are hardy and will forgive you if you forget to water them.

It’s best to water them when the soil has slightly dried out. You can check soil moisture with your finger or with a water meter. Just be careful not to overwater them, and water less in winter because they will not grow actively then!

Rhaphidophora leaves


Your green beauty likes to eat, so feel free to give some PLNTS Nutrition liquid houseplant food every 1 month during spring and summer. However, it's also important not to overfeed it. Your Mini Monstera plant could have a root burn issue, and we know you don’t want that for your green friend.

Temperature & humidity

It loves warm and humid conditions, so aim for a temperature between 18-29°C and humidity levels of 50-60%. But here's the secret: it's actually pretty adaptable and thrives in regular room conditions too. It can handle indoor humidity levels of around 40-50%. However, if it's too try, consider raising the humidity for your houseplants.

Repotting & Soil

Due to its fast growth rate, Mini Monstera usually needs repotting every 1-2 years. Once the roots start growing out of the drainage holes, you will need to repot the plant. Use PLNTS aroids potting mix for best results, which is well-draining and perfect for your Mini Monstera.

Mini Monstera propagation

Propagating Rhaphidophora is quite easy for most species in the genus. As with most aroid species, use a clean and sharp pruning shear to cut off a stem with one node and three or four leaves. The node is in the area where the leaves start to grow. Place the end of your cutting in a pot with water, and wait until the roots are about 5 cm long before placing it in a pot with potting soil. You're done - easy peasy!

Rhaphidophora stem

Most common pests on Rhaphidophora

Of all the pesky insects in this green world, Rhaphidophora is susceptible to one in particular, and you often hear its name when talking about plants... Spider mites! These horrible little spiders make your green friend 'sick' pretty quickly. Keep an eye on your Rhaphidophora, and try to see if you can spot some little critters walking on the leaves of your plant or if you can see little webs on them.

If you are not sure, you can take a look at our PLNTSdoctor page to identify and eliminate your plant pests!

Is Rhaphidophora poisonous for your pets or children?

Unfortunately, the genus Rhaphidophora is toxic to domestic animals such as cats, dogs or other species. The toxicity comes from the insoluble calcium oxalates they contain. Watch your animal when it walks around your plant. If you notice mouth irritation, vomiting or excessive drooling, it could be that your animal has taken a bite of your green lady!

Buy your new Mini Monstera online at

At we have the most famous among the species, the Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma with her Monstera appearance! The nice thing is that we also have her as a BabyPLNTS, so if you want to see her bloom and grow from a little one to a big and beautiful adult plant, you can choose the baby!

Baby Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma Mini Monstera
Baby Mini Monstera

Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma

Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma Mini Monstera
Mini Monstera

Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma


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