
Baby Strelitzia Nicolai Bird of paradise Bird of Paradise Seeds
Baby Strelitzia Nicolai Bird of paradise Bird of Paradise Seeds
Baby Strelitzia Nicolai Bird of paradise Bird of Paradise Seeds


Strelitzia Nicolai

(Bird of paradise)
Bird of Paradise Seeds


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Baby Bird of Paradise Seeds




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Partly shady

We’re so in love with our cute teeny tiny BabyPLNTS! They make us witness of their complete growing process, from baby plant to a beautiful big plant. But a complete growing process is not totally complete when you miss the official start: the seed. We’re happy to let you enjoy your babies growth, just as we do, so let’s test your PLNTSparenting skills. Start growing your own Strelitzia Nicolai, Coffea Arabica or Asparagus Fern by planting your own house plant seeds! The seeds are also available in a special seed kit. These kits contain everything to get started, so perfect for a present or for beginning PLNTSparents!

  • the package contains 5 seeds

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