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Piante da interno in pieno sole

Una grande finestra rivolta a sud e un bel posto soleggiato in casa per tutto il giorno? Bello! Ma tieni presente che alcune piante da appartamento non sopportano bene il sole splendente. Le piante da appartamento che sono in pieno sole catturano molta luce solare diretta. Le piante da appartamento che non tollerano bene questa luce svilupperanno macchie gialle o marroni sulle foglie se ricevono troppa luce solare. Fortunatamente, ci sono anche delle vere amanti del sole, perfette per quel posto luminoso in casa!

Top 5 house plants for a sunny location

The location of your new green friend has a lot of influence on the well-being of your plant. It is often advised not to place a plant in direct bright sunlight. In the greenhouses, the plants are used to being protected from the sun. When it is at its highest, it is ensured that the nets or cloths under the windows are closed so that the plant is not in full sun. So always let a new plant get used to the sun at your home for a while and gradually place it closer to the window.

Musa Dwarf Cavendish

This popular 'Banana plant' is a real sun worshipper. They grow all over the world in places with high humidity and good sun! She does well in the shade, but do you really want to grow her well? Then put the Musa Dwarf Cavendish in the spotlight! An ideal eye-catcher if you can fill a larger space.

Philodendron Birkin

Slightly less space, but want to brighten up a sunny spot? Then the Philodendron Birkin is the perfect houseplant. She needs a lot of light, but preferably not in full sun. She may be a little slow growing, but once she gets new leaves you will be amazed at her beauty!

Zamioculcas Zamiifolia

This beauty is super easy. Brighten up a bare sunny spot in the house? She's the man… She can tolerate a bit of sun. Keep a close eye on the leaves of the Zamioculas Zamiifolia and if the sun is a bit too bright, place it in a slightly less bright spot.

Monstera Adansonii

Like the rest of its plant family, the Monstera Adansonii likes a lot of light. Be careful with full sun, its leaves are fragile and burn quickly. A bright spot with indirect light is perfect. Do you want to brighten up your bathroom? This beauty goes very well in a humid room, so she feels completely at home!

Alocasia Zebrina

The Alocasia Zebrina is a tropical plant that mainly occurs in Asia. She likes a lot of light and heat. Place this lady in a spot with a lot of (in)direct light and she will be happiest! It also grows well in full sun. She is used to growing towards the light. Keep this in mind and rotate her regularly! She grows up very nicely this way.

Caring for sunny houseplants

You have plants that prefer to avoid or worship the sun. You take care of these two in a completely different way. For example, one person will need more water and the other less. It all boils down to three important points that you can keep in mind if you want to give your green friends a long and happy life!


Before you choose a new plant, it is important to determine where your new beauty will be placed. For example, do you have an empty, dark spot in your home office or do you want to brighten up a sunny spot in your living room? Sun plants need a lot of (in)direct light, while shade plants prefer a little less light. With sun plants, always be careful with direct sun. Some plants can burn their leaves if left in the sun for too long. Even sun plants are always best taken out of the sun when it is at its strongest. Always check the ideal location for your plant in advance!


How much water your sunny houseplants need also depends on the amount of light they get. Usually, the more light, the more heat and the more water the plant needs. Some tropical plants also like it when you spray its leaves with the plant sprayer once in a while.


During the growth period of your plant, give some PLNTS food once every 1 to 2 weeks. Each bottle contains a selection of the most nutritious ingredients in an extra concentrated form, so it lasts a long time. And the best thing is… it's 100% organic! In the winter months, October to February, you can halve the dosage, because then your plants need less nutrition. Give your plant a boost with the PLNTS nutrition!

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