We are PLNTS, the online plant shop for everything a plant lover needs!

PLNTS feels like your favourite specialist shop.

A nice, warm and green environment where you can feast your eyes on the most extraordinary assortment of plants. At PLNTS.com, you imagine yourself in a shop full of your favourite specimens. A place where you can find exactly the right plant that suits you or where we help you find the right match: a plant that gives your home that extra bit of personality. A plant to challenge yourself and your green thumb with. Or the rarest plant to make your plant collection completely unique.


We know that choosing a plant is not just a choice. It requires attention, time, care and sometimes a bit of guts. As plant lovers, we know exactly the feeling you have when you choose a special plant for the first time. The enthusiasm you feel when you hold the plant in your hands for the first time. The nerves about your plant's life journey. And the love for the plant when it feels completely at ease in your home.

We've got your back - with our passion and, above all, knowledge of each plant species, we support you and your plant. Have you already become a plant lover and want to expand your collection? Then we not only have the right assortment for you, but also all the ins and outs to help you become a plant expert. Because we love sharing our knowledge with you!

As with our plant collection, our experts have also put together the complete assortment for you.

Nothing escapes their expert eye. Whether it's the right nutrition, the right pots or all the other must-haves for plant parents - we regularly check all our products and complement the range with the latest tools you can find on the market.


Our story

Our family has been in the plant nursery business for over 150 years, everything started with our great-grandfather. You could say that growing the most beautiful and special plants runs in our blood. But not only this craftsmanship is of paramount importance to us, you could also call us entrepreneurs at heart.


Our passion is to do business as smartly as possible. We do this by always focusing on innovation. We want to surprise, step out of our comfort zone and continue to inspire! So we invest in finding and developing new and unusual plants.

We do all this by joining forces! We benefit from the knowledge and experience of previous generations and translate this knowledge into the best range of plants for our community.

Teamwork is therefore our top priority! With four brothers in management, each with his own area of expertise, we are proud of a team of more than 80 people which are brimming with knowledge. Together we can shape all our ambitious plans and bring them to fruition.


Our community

Without our community, we would not have come as far as we are today. For five years, we have been learning, sharing and inspiring each other with everything related to our love for plants. On our PLNTS Instagram account, we share everything with each other, beautiful photos of new plants but also tips and tricks on how to best care for your plants. As a result, we are always connected with each other. A true PLNTS community that we are super happy with!


Plantaholic noun - One who can't control the urge to buy more plants they don't need. Again.

Be amazed in our shop!

Ciao, sono Emma, la tua guida PLNTS.com!

Ciao, sono Emma, la tua guida PLNTS.com!