Baby Alocasia (Orecchie di Elefante) Zebrina
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- Già inviato più di 100.000 piante
- Diametro4cm
- Altezza±20cm
- AmaPenombra
- VantaggiFiltra l'aria
La piccola Alocasia Zebrina è la principessa della savana vegetale. Con i suoi bellissimi steli zebrati è una festa per gli occhi. In natura le sue foglie crescono così tanto che l'Alocasia viene spesso chiamata "pianta dalle orecchie di elefante". Per molti animali della foresta pluviale del Sud-Est asiatico, le foglie dell'Alocasia Zebrina, che a volte possono crescere fino a 100 centimetri, offrono un nascondiglio sicuro. Con le vostre cure diventerà una bellissima pianta d'appartamento e non vi stancherete mai di ricevere i complimenti!
La piccola Alocasia Zebrina preferisce evitare di bagnarsi troppo, quindi anche se apprezza un po' d'acqua data spesso, assicuratevi che il terreno non si bagni troppo, perché le sue radici potrebbero marcire. Quando sulle sue foglie compaiono dei bordi marroni, è il momento di rinvasarla. A questa piccola creatura piace un posto luminoso, ma non il sole diretto. E attenzione: se la innaffiate troppo, produrrà piccole gocce di umidità dalle foglie che possono macchiare i pavimenti in legno o i tavoli.
even though i also have a mature zebrina i couldn't resist and order a baby zebrina and it's so cute
The pattern on this plant looks so funky and special, I'm glad I could add it to my collection. It arrived with no issues and now happily lives in my tiny greenhouse.
A very beautiful plant. It arrived in perfect condition with two leaves.
Zebrina are definitively not easy caring. Especially when baby. It lost one of the two leaves and I was very worried. But finally, the other is growing very fast and healthy so I guess it was for the best. So be patient with this baby Z !
I made a big order from plnts. All plants were amazing and in the perfect conditions but only one was damaged! It was zebrina. I contacted the customer service and they quickly gave me refund for zebrina. Even if it was damaged I really appreciated the quality of all other plants and their service. So I really recommend Plnts shop :)
It came with 3 leaves, the smallest one was yellowing and the second one had Brown edges but it survived! The plant is now thriving
He came in with 3 leaves, healthy. The smaller leaf unfortunately had cracked a bit from the stem, but I fixed it with a straw that I cut of a piece of and slit it in the middle. Now the leaf is standing straight. Also, there was no pot, just a rapper around. Overall I’m very very happy with the plant. He looks amazing.
Arrived healthy. After a month doing well! High hopes to make a statement piece
magnifique !
Beautiful plant. Arrived in perfect condition and growing well.
I received a plant with 2 leaves, both healthy.
It arrived with three leaves. The little one died soon. We got them, I think in November. Also my cat bite into the biggest leave... Now, in February 2021 I think there's a new leave coming up. Should be fine, I heard alocasia normally rest during winter.
Such a pretty plant. Came with 3 leaves and at first looked a little sad, but a bit of water and light fixed it :) Beautiful healthy roots (except they grew through the plastic wrapping so I hope it can decmpose in time)
Came with 3 leaves but unfortunately 1 broke during transit. That being said; the plant is super healthy and already growing a new leaf after arriving 3 days ago. I’m very happy indeed
Looked a little wilted when it arrived, but this was early into the lock down, so there were delays with delivery. (I have made orders since and they have arrived in the UK, within around 3 days) Quickly perked up, and has since become my favourite plant. Is strong and healthy.
came a bit shocked but survived
Loving this little plant. It came with 3 leafs, one was curled, but it has uncurled itself after a week.
The plant itself arrived fairly quickly and well packaged with 2 young plants. I proceeded to use some brand new potting mixture and potted them. I have not had a new plant in my room or foreign soil for at least a month before these arrived and the windows are rarely opened and are far from where the plants are kept. A week in, the plants began to decline and one of each of their leaves/stems started to decline. Upon checking, there were fungus gnats in the soil. These were only found in the new plants from PLNTS and nowhere else. It has been 3 weeks now. The gnats spread to 4 other plants and of my smaller plants. While I managed to kill them using insecticide spray on the other 4 larger plants, they managed to kill the smaller 2 through root rot (ie; eating wet roots). The two alocasia babies are very much struggling and the gnats are proving extremely hard to get rid of. One of the alocasias has died from root consumption and the other is losing its second to last leaf/stem with only the main stem remaining as green as it was when it arrived. I have alocasias before, and this decline in the plants is almost certainly down to the gnats which almost definitely seem to have arrived with the package. I'm really upset because of course it isn't just that I loved these alocasia babies and was excited to grow them, but that this unfortunate spell of bad luck has also killed a couple of my other plants. I'll definitely be ordering from PLNTS again in future as I'm sure it was just bad luck, and I'll be sure to be more cautious with new plants arriving in my space.
arrived in great condition. beautiful
It arrived in excellent condition
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Tutto ciò che riguarda Alocasia
Avete pensato di aggiungere un tocco tropicale alla vostra casa? Non potete sbagliare con le splendide piante di Alocasia! L'aspetto esotico di queste piante è adatto a qualsiasi arredamento.
Le alocasie sono note anche come piante a orecchio di elefante. Chiunque apprezzi le piante esotiche e sia disposto a prendersene cura, sarà felice di averle nella propria collezione. La cura delle alocasie può sembrare impegnativa all'inizio, ma una volta imparate a conoscerle, sarete ricompensati con un fogliame splendido e rigoglioso.