The Areca is a big family with different species of Palm plants. They have a pretty amazing super power, purifying the air! Most plants have this ability, but the Areca exels at this. They also have the ability to give every room a real jungle vibe!
- Sale
- Characteristics - Easy
- Characteristics - Air purifying
- Characteristics - Pet friendly
- Characteristics - Hanging plant
- Location - Sun
- Location - Partial sun
- Location - (Half) shade
- Plantfamily - Alocasia
- Plantfamily - Aglaonema
- Plantfamily - Anthurium
- Plantfamily - Areca
- Plantfamily - Asparagus
- Plantfamily - Calathea
- Plantfamily - Dieffenbachia
- Plantfamily - Epipremnum
- Plantfamily - Hoya
- Plantfamily - Maranta
- Plantfamily - Monstera
- Plantfamily - Nephrolepis
- Plantfamily - Philodendron
- Plantfamily - Pilea
- Plantfamily - Rhaphidophora
- Plantfamily - Schefflera
- Plantfamily - Schismatoglottis
- Plantfamily - Strelitzia
- Plantfamily - Yucca
- Room - Bathroom
- Room - Bedroom
- Room - Kitchen
- Room - Livingroom
- Room - Office
showing all 3 results