
Window Display Clamp
Window Display Clamp
Window Display Clamp
Window Display Clamp
Window Display Clamp
Window Display Clamp

Window Display Clamp



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1. Size

Window Display Clamp




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A familiar problem for every PLNTSlover is of course... the lack of space! All cabinets, tables, floors and even windowsills are full of green. Your beauty needs light of course, so a spot on the windowsill would be ideal! These window display clamps are the perfect solution for a problem like lack of space and they look super fancy too! The size (M) is only available in a mint green colour and has a width of 18cm. The size (S) is a smaller window display clamp with a width of 14cm. She is available in two different colours, black and white! Sorry but with these window display clamps in our shop, the lack of space is no longer an excuse.

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