
Valentine's Day

4 minute read

Cute plants that are perfect as a Valentines gift

Is Valentine’s Day approaching, do you have an upcoming anniversary or do you just want to surprise your loved one(s)? Plants are the answer! Luckily for us, there are a lot of romantic plants out there and they will stick around A LOT longer than any regular bouquet. That makes plants the perfect gift. You must be wondering, where do I find these cute plants that symbolise LOVE? We’ve listed the cutest ones for you, so all you have to do is pick your favourite and surprise the lucky receiver.

1. Shine bright like a Diamond

We all know that diamonds are a girl's best friend, especially the ones that are variegated! The Spathiphyllum Diamond is a variegated version of the Spathiphyllum, which is also known as a ‘Peace Lily’. She differs in her stunning variegated accents all over the leaf. This makes her a real eye-catcher and the perfect gift!

2. Heart Fern

The Hemionitis Arifolia is also called the Heart Fern, which makes her the perfect gift to surprise your loved one. The Heart Fern loves to show her super cute and soft heart shaped leaves. It kinda looks like all leaves compete with each other as every leaf is looking for her own spotlight, how cute! This pretty one therefore happens to brighten up every dark and shaded corner of your home!

3. Heartleaf Scandens

The cute Philodendron Scandens Micans is a cute baby plant and is often called the sweetheart plant, because of her heart-shaped leaves. She’s perfect for hanging baskets and like the perfect lover, this plant not only looks flawless, it’s also very low-maintenance! The perfect gift for beginning PLNTSparents!

Instagram @anysjungle

Photo by @anysjungle

4. String of Hearts

Who wouldn’t fall for these super-cute heart shaped leaves of the String of Hearts? Sweet and petite, with beautiful soft colours, this beauty makes the perfect gift for any occasion! This cutie is also called Ceropegia Woodii and is a real addition to every room. Luckily, she is also low in maintenance so every (new) PLNTSparent can take care of her!

Instagram @wrosliny

Photo by @wrosliny

5. Double the love!

This Baby Hoya Kerrii has double leaves and that’s what makes it super special! The leaves are obviously why this Hoya is also called the heart plant. This romantic plant is a real cupid, so besides being lovely to own, this plant is also nice to give away to someone special. We are sure you can impress your Valentine with this plant, cause two hearts beat as one right?!

6. The more hearts, the better

This romantic plant is the big sister of the Baby Hoya Kerrii and is a real one of a kind, just like your loved one(s)! What better way to say “I love you” than with a gorgeous plant with so many heart-shaped leaves to love and care for? You can grow this Hoya Kerrii as a climber or as a hanging plant. You will notice that she likes to wrap her stems onto something, almost like a big hug!

Instagram @shannieee

Photo by @shannieee

7. Pretty Pink Princess

Give some pink happiness with this pretty Pink Princess! It’s bound to create a smile on the face of the lucky receiver. The Philodendron Pink Princess, also commonly referred as the Blushing Philodendron, has beautiful dark green leaves in the shape of arrows and that are decorated with an explosion of pink colour. This makes her very worthy of your attention on Valentine’s day and any other day of the year! A real must have among PLNTSlovers.

8. String of Pearls

Looking for something different than diamonds or hearts? Go for pearls! The String of Pearls, or Senecio Rowleyanus, is classic and charming and deserves a spot in your recipient’s home! She’s great to place in a plant hanger or on a plant shelf. This way, she can let her pearly leaves grow down!

9. Think pink!

We are sure that you will fall head over heels for this plant! The Aglaonema Pink Princess is a new kid on the block: especially for V-day! Her richly coloured pink foliage makes her look like a living work of art; each leaf has a colour explosion of pink and green shades in a dazzling pattern. Try keeping your eyes off her!

Instagram @plantlover____

Photo by @plantlover____

10. Big Hearts

Yes, another heart-shaped leaf, but this one has the advantage of being big and so stunning! This Philodendron Gloriosum is the perfect plant to say ‘i love you’ and show off your ever growing love for your Valentine. The leaves are a bright green with striking yellow nerves. Asides from the beautiful shape, the leaves also have a velvety texture to them which makes this plant extra huggable! Yes, it’s a fact, you can’t go wrong with this one.

Instagram @plantsbybenny

Photo by @plantsbybenny

Is your room, or the room of your loved one(s) already filled with the above beauties, or would you just like to give something different? Check out all our other amazing PLNTS, care products or accessories for the perfect surprise!



Plants instantly make Renée happy as she's always on the hunt for cool plant trends. Inspiring our community with interior tips, surprising DIY's and fun lists is what she does best!

January 27, 2022

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Cute plants that are perfect as a Valentines gift |