Baby  Philodendron White Knight


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Pot styles perfect for this plant:

Orange Terracotta Pot
Jimmy Pot Light Grey
Ava Pot White
Happy Harry Pot Beige
Lisa Pot Sea Green
    About this plant

    This baby could be your knight in shining armor! This is nobody less than the Philodendron White Knight. She has green leaves with white variegation on them. To compliment her striking leaves are her red stems, gorgeous isn't she? This red stem is also the thing that distinguishes her from her look-alikes, the Philodendron White Princess or the Philodendron White Wizard. This knight is a rare plant, so a nice addition to your ever growing plant collection.

    • Diameter6cm
    • Height±15cm
    • LovesPartly shady
    • BenefitsAir cleaner

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