
Baby  Philodendron Atabapoense


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Pot styles perfect for this plant:

Orange Terracotta Pot
Ava Pot White
Jimmy Pot Light Grey
Lisa Pot Sea Green
Otis Pot Ocher
    About this plant

    Yes, also this special Philodendron now for sale as a baby plant! The Philodendron Atabapoense. The Philodendron Atabapoense is a beautiful Araceae plant with elongated, dark green, arrow-shaped leaves with a rich maroon underside and long petioles. This baby's beautiful leaves are its most striking feature, so this will only become more so as she grows. This baby will brilliantly adorn your interior and purify the air at the same time.

    • Diameter3cm
    • Height±8cm
    • LovesPartly shady
    • BenefitsAir cleaner

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    Hi, I’m Emma, your guide!