Peter Moss Pole

Peter Moss Pole



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    About this product

    The Peter Moss Pole is ideal for plants that love to climb! Such as, for example, the Monstera or the Syngonium. This gives the plants extra support so that they can grow very well and happily! The Peter Moss Pole is made of a coconut fiber and comes in 2 different sizes of 30 centimeter and 55 centimer long. It is most convenient to repot the moss stick together with the plant, so that the roots of the plant remain safe! In the beginning you need some string to tie the stems to the moss stick, as soon as the plant feels completely fine, it will attach itself to the moss stick and the strings can be removed if necessary. Would you like to learn more about Peter Moss Pole? Then read our blog, the link can be found below!

    Everything you need to know about the moss pole

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