
Greenhouse Cabinet Grow Light LED 20W 4 pieces including power supply
Only 6 in stock
Greenhouse Cabinet Grow Light LED 20W 4 pieces including power supply
Only 6 in stock
Greenhouse Cabinet Grow Light LED 20W 4 pieces including power supply
Only 6 in stock
Greenhouse Cabinet Grow Light LED 20W 4 pieces including power supply
Only 6 in stock
Greenhouse Cabinet Grow Light LED 20W 4 pieces including power supply
Only 6 in stock

Greenhouse Cabinet Grow Light LED 20W

4 pieces including power supply


1. Size

Greenhouse Cabinet Grow Light LED 20W




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Dreaming of an indoor jungle that exceeds all expectations? This set of 4 LED grow lights from Secret Jardin is your secret weapon! Each strip, glowing with warm white light, is a powerful 20 watts at 24 volts and stretches over 50 cm. Perfect for your greenhouse cabinet. Keep the lights 25-35 cm away from your plants for optimal growth and flowering. This set comes with handy four 1-metre extension cords and a plug with five power supplies, to which you can connect, for example, 4 lamps and a mini fan.

This set includes:

Extension Cord 1 meter 4 pieces
Extension Cord 1 meter

4 pieces

Power Supply 5 x 20W


Grow Light LED 20W 50 cm
Grow Light LED 20W

50 cm


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