Pink Brocade

Baby  Episcia  Pink Brocade


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Baby Pink Brocade ()
Total: €5.45
  • Choose your own delivery day
  • 250,000+ PLNTS Community followers
  • The most exclusive houseplants
  • Diameter6cm
  • Height±10cm
  • LovesPartly shady

The Episcia Pink Brocade is a stunning tropical plant known for its delicate, velvety leaves adorned with intricate patterns of pink, silver, and green. The vibrant pink tones on the leaves, combined with the soft, fuzzy texture, create a beautiful contrast that brightens any indoor space. This plant is perfect for adding a pop of color and a touch of elegance to your decor, especially when placed in hanging baskets or on shelves.

Ready to introduce this vibrant beauty to your home? Buy Episcia Pink Brocade online.

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