
Billy Binder Twine Jute 100 m
Billy Binder Twine Jute 100 m

Billy Binder Twine Jute

100 m


1. Size

Billy Binder Twine Jute




  • 250,000+ PLNTS Community followers

  • Already sent more than 100,000 plants

  • The most exclusive houseplants

A real essential for every PLNTS parent, binding rope. The rope can be used for so many purposes, tying your plant onto a grow pole, making cool plant DIY’S and can of course also be used for non plant related things. This rope is completely made from sustainable materials, so you can definitely use this rope with a clear consignous.

If you would like to get crafty right away, you can take a look at our DIY Kokedama!

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