Bring indoor plants into your home
Bring indoor plants into your home
Houseplants are a perfect way to turn your home into a green oasis of calm. For example, did you know that plants can have a stress-reducing effect? Or that they can improve the acoustics in your home? Pretty cool right! You have indoor plants in all kinds of varieties, large houseplants or houseplants with flowers. So you can always find something to suit you!
Placement for indoor plants
Most houseplants are happy with bright indirect light. This is a spot close to a window, but not right next to it. This is because the sun's heat and rays through the glass can cause your plant's leaves to burn. Plants that thrive in bright, indirect light are Monstera Deliciosa, Philodendron Gloriosum and Syngonium Confetti.
Do you have a slightly darker spot in your home that you would like to fill with an indoor plant? Then choose a shade indoor plant, such as the Sansevieria Futura Superba, also known as the Snake Plant. This plant requires little light and actually little care in general. Another beauty with these characteristics is the Zamioculcas Zamiifolia. If you prefer a hanging indoor plant, go for the Epipremnum Aureum, this plant will also thrive in a place with less light!
General care for indoor plants
Houseplants need care, of course. What care they require can vary from one plant family to another. If you can't figure it out, we have created complete care guides for houseplants.
You can use universal potting soil for indoor plants, such as our PLNTS potting soil. This soil is airy so your indoor plants can develop new roots with ease. During the growing season, which starts in spring and ends after summer, is also the time when your indoor plants need some extra nutrition. Our PLNTS nutrition is suitable for all your indoor plants and is easy to mix in the watering can, you use to water your indoor plants. So this extra task takes hardly any effort on your part!
If you are wondering when to repot indoor plants, we have the golden tip for you. In fact, indoor plants only need to be repotted when they have outgrown their current pot. You notice that there is actually no space left in the pot for the plant to develop new roots, this is called root-bound. When you take your plant out of its outer pot, you often also see roots growing out of the drainage holes of the inner pot. This is the time to provide your plant with a larger pot. Choose a pot that is about 20% bigger than the one it has outgrown. This way, your plant will have plenty of room to grow again. It normally takes 2-3 years before repotting is necessary.
Buy indoor plants online
Are you excited about indoor plants? Then simply order them online. We have a wide range, from cheap indoor plants to rare indoor plants. We also have matching pots, so that your new green friend is ready to shine inside your house right away!