Stephania leaf

Stephania leaf


Stephania is a genus that originated in Australia, East Asia and South Asia. It belongs to the Menispermaceae family and consists mainly of flowering plants! The nice thing about the Stephania genus is that the plant grows from a woody caudex, you can see the little "ball" in the pot. Species of the Stephania family are climbers and can grow up to 4 metres high. Stephania species are for everyone, the contrast of the strong stem with the delicacy of the small round leaves appeals to many. In fact, this beautiful green lady has a sturdy aspect thanks to her leaves that grow in a spiral around the stem. In addition, some Stephania species have become very popular very quickly for two main reasons: the structure of the plants that are unique and beautiful, but also because they are easy plants to take care of, so a good choice for any level of PLNTSlovers!

Another interesting aspect of the Stephania family is that one of the species, Stephania Tetranda, is used in Traditional Chinese Medicine as a fundamental herb under the name "han fang ji".

Stephania plant care tips

Light and placement for Stephania

For members of the Stephania family, it is best to prefer a place with plenty of bright indirect light. These green beauties love to shine! But be careful, her stem should be strong, but the leaves are delicate and too much sun on them could affect your lady. Where she comes from, she is used to a humid environment and good temperatures, so avoiding temperatures below 12°C and misting her every now and then will make her really happy! Group her with some other plants and create a real jungle atmosphere to maintain the humidity around your beloved ladies. Avoid placing her near air conditioners, heaters or a draughty location, she does not like big climate changes.


Your little green lady doesn't like damp feet, like most plants, so be sure the pot she’s in is well-drained. A pot with holes at the bottom is the best choice possible for your green baby. Ensure to not overwater your Stephania, once a week is sufficient and let the soil dry out before watering. During winter, when the plant is in her rest phase so she’s not growing during the cold season, reduce the watering frequency and use room temperature water to avoid shocking her. Misting occasionally will bring joy to your green baby, and if you clean her leaves too, she will be the happiest plant ever!


During the growth period, fertilizing your Stephania once a month is a good choice. When winter comes, your green lady goes dormant and can lose some or all of her leaves. Don’t be afraid, it’s normal and she will grow new leaves in spring! Fertilizer is not essential for your Stephania most of the time, be careful to not over-fertilize because it can cause a build-up of substances that can be harmful.

Stephania plant

Propagating Stephania

Stephania are mostly just propagated with seeds. For that, you will need to soak the seeds for 24 hours in a shady but warm spot, and then plant them 0.2 inches deep in the same potting soil as the mother plant! Keep them at around 17°C until the seed sprouts. Keep them in bright but indirect sunlight and be prepared to repot the seedlings after they grow two leaves.

Most common pests on Stephania

We hate pesky insects that have found a home on the leaves or stems of our plants. And the family members of Stephania are not spared by potential pests. Little ones such as aphids, spider mites, mealybugs, thrips or whiteflies love to attack our beloved plants. Using a magnifying glass makes it easier to spot them, and then you can consult our PLNTSdoctor page to identify and eliminate plant pests! You can also visit our shop for biological pest control.

Are Stephanias poisonous for your pets or children?

Unfortunately, this green beauty can cause allergic reactions in our furry friends, but also in humans. Reactions such as skin, eye or mouth irritation. So keep your Stephania far away from your pets and children.

Stephania plant for sale

At we do not (yet) have any members of the Stephania gender. But we are already in love with the unique appearance of these beauties. Who knows, we might add this green lady to our shop soon, so keep an eye out for future newcomers! Grow your home with