Fatsia - Expert tips

How to care for Fatsia (Spider’s Web plant): expert tips for thriving plants

The Fatsia, also known as the Japanese Aralia or Spider's Web plant, is a captivating houseplant that brings a touch of the exotic indoors. Originating from the dense woodlands of Japan this resilient beauty has become a favorite among plant enthusiasts for its large, glossy leaves and distinctive web-like patterns.

These pretty plants are known for their beautiful foliage and require little maintenance. This makes them perfect as a houseplant!

Fatsia care: 10 expert tips for growing it successfully

  1. Fatsia thrives in bright, indirect light. Place your plant near a window with filtered sunlight to ensure healthy growth.
  2. Maintain a consistent temperature range between 15-24°C. Avoid exposing the plant to drafts or sudden temperature fluctuations.
  3. Allow the top inch of the soil to dry before watering. Keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged. Adjust watering frequency based on the plant's specific needs and environmental conditions.
  4. Fatsia appreciates higher humidity levels. Consider placing a tray of water near the plant or misting the leaves regularly, especially in drier indoor environments.
  5. Plant your Fatsia in well-draining potting mix to prevent waterlogging. A mix designed for tropical plants or a blend of peat, perlite, and pine bark works well.
  6. During the growing season, feed your Fatsia with a liquid fertilizer every 4-6 weeks. Reduce or halt fertilization during the dormant season.
  7. Prune your Fatsia to maintain a desirable shape and size. Remove any yellow or damaged leaves, and trim leggy growth to encourage a bushier appearance.
  8. Keep an eye out for pests such as spider mites or aphids. Regularly inspect the leaves and treat any infestations promptly with insecticidal soap or neem oil.
  9. Repot your Fatsia every 2-3 years or when it outgrows its current container. Choose a pot that provides ample space for root development.
  10. Recognize the plant's seasonal needs. Reduce watering and fertilizer during the dormant season, but ensure it still receives adequate light.
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Fatsia care tips

Light & placement

By providing your Fatsia with the right light conditions and thoughtful placement, you'll set the stage for a healthy and vibrant houseplant. She thrives in bright, indirect light so the ideal placement would be near a north or east-facing window. The Fatsia can tolerate some direct sunlight, but it’s crucial to shield her from the intense rays since harsh sunlight can scorch their leaves.

Expert tip! To ensure even growth, rotate your Fatsia regularly. This helps promote balanced growth and prevents the plant from leaning toward the light.


When it comes to watering, your Fatsia houseplant can be a bit picky. Here's the key point: Fatsia plants enjoy slightly moist soil but dislike it being overly wet. On the other side, they don't appreciate dry soil, yet they benefit from experiencing some dryness halfway through. Hopefully, this isn't too confusing!

When watering your Fatsia houseplant, allow the top half of the soil in the pot to dry before watering your Fatsia. Once you notice this, water the plant thoroughly, let any excess water drain away, and then return the plant to its decorative pot or saucer.


You can fertilize your Fatsia houseplant during the growing season, which typically spans from spring through early fall. Make sure to use a balanced fertilizer, like our PLNTS nutrition. Fertilize every 4-6 weeks during the growing season. Adjust the frequency based on the specific fertilizer instructions and the plant's response. Reduce or cease fertilization in the fall and winter when the plant's growth slows.

Expert tip! Apply the fertilizer when the soil is already moist to prevent potential root burn. Water the plant first if the soil is dry.

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Temperature & humidity

Fatsia plants thrive in environments with elevated humidity levels and temperatures between 15 and 26 degrees Celsius. Wrong humidity levels may cause the leaves to curl or develop brown, dry edges. Fatsia varieties suited for indoor settings flourish in spaces with added moisture, such as kitchens or bathrooms. To enhance the humidity around these moisture-loving plants, consider employing a humidifier or placing a pebble tray filled with water nearby. Discover effective methods for increasing the air's humidity to meet the needs of your indoor plants!

Soil & repotting

The best soil for all kinds of Fatsia plants is one that has nutrients and organic material, yet still allows water to drain well. Many potting soil mixes with coco coir or peat are suitable, but it's important to check for water-retaining crystals, which can keep the soil too wet and lead to root rot. If you're feeling adventurous, you can even try making your own soil!

When you're replanting every two years in the spring, choose a slightly larger pot with good drainage. To avoid transplant shock, make sure to water the plant 24 hours before touching the roots.

How to propagate Fatsia?

It’s possible to propagate Fatsia plants using the seeds, however, it’s rare for a Fatsia to flower as a houseplant which means there won’t be any seeds to harvest. You can also propagate your Fatsia from stem cuttings.

Follow these easy steps:

  1. Look for a semi-ripe stem. This means that the stem of the plant has grown this year but isn’t fully hardened yet. If the stem is a little bendable, you’ve got yourself a good piece!
  2. Take a sharp knife and take the stem cutting just below a leaf node.
  3. Remove the leaves from the lower half of the cutting, leaving a few leaves at the top.
  4. This step is optional: dip the cut end of the stem in rooting powder to encourage root development.
  5. Plant the cutting in a well-draining potting mix. Create a hole using a pencil or stick and insert the cutting.
  6. Water the cutting thoroughly, and then place the pot in a warm, bright location with indirect sunlight.

Keep the soil consistently moist and be patient: roots should develop in a few weeks!

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Most common pests & diseases on Fatsia

Fatsia plants are generally hardy, but like any other plant, they can be susceptible to certain pests like spider mites, scale insects, aphids and mealybugs. Besides that, you should also look out for diseases like root rot and powdery mildew caused by overwatering.

By regularly inspecting your plants and providing proper care you can help keep your Fatsia thriving!

Buy your new Fatsia online at PLNTS.com

Discover the beauty of Fatsia plants by bringing one into your home, like the Fatsia Japonica! Purchase your new Fatsia online at PLNTS.com.