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Cutting tools

We would like to introduce you to these handy cutting tools. This makes taking cuttings from your plants a lot easier, great right?

Showing 1 - 20 of 57 results.

Naomi Plant Sensor Humidity and fertility meter
Naomi Plant Sensor

Humidity and fertility meter

Edward Pruning Shears Silver Stainless steel
Edward Pruning Shears Silver

Stainless steel

Plant Saucer Transparent Ø 27 cm
Plant Saucer Transparent

Ø 27 cm

Susan Pruning Scissors Carbon steel
Susan Pruning Scissors

Carbon steel

Propagation Tube Wooden Base
Propagation Tube

Wooden Base

Cutting Soil 1 liter
Cutting Soil

1 liter

Baby Fern seeds


Sphagnum Moss 3 liter
Sphagnum Moss

3 liter

Potting scoop Black
Potting scoop


PLNTS Binder Ruby 20 pieces
PLNTS Binder Ruby

20 pieces

Tiny Tweezer Tissue culture tool
Tiny Tweezer

Tissue culture tool


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