Stromanthe Sanguinea

Baby  Stromanthe Sanguinea


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Pot styles perfect for this plant:

Terracotta Pot 9cm
Lisa Pot Sea Green
Ava Pot White
Petra Pot Grey
Amber Pot
    About this plant
    The Stromanthe Sanguinea is a nyctinastic plant, which means that it moves its leaves up and down during the day using little hinges at the bottom of their stems. In particular she closes up when the light is very bright, and opens up again when it gets cooler, moving with the rhythm of the day! And if you are very quiet you can even hear a light rustling sometimes, as she shifts position like a baby having growing pains. With a little love and care she will grow into a beautiful houseplant that will brighten up your hallway or bathroom.
    • Diameter6cm
    • Height±15cm
    • LovesPartly shady
    • Care levelEasy
    • BenefitsAir cleaner
    • Pet friendlyNon-toxic

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    Hi, I’m Emma, your guide!