
Baby  Philodendron Pittieri


Product review(s)

Product review

  • Straight from the nursery
  • 250,000+ PLNTScommunity followers
  • Already sent more than 100,000 plants

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Pot styles perfect for this plant:

Terracotta Pot 9cm
Petra Pot Grey
Lisa Pot Sea Green
Otis Pot Ocher
Lisa Pot Sea Green
    About this plant

    This cute baby is one for the collectors of unique plants. You will not find this Philodendron anywhere else easily! Wouldn't everyone like to be able to say that you have a plant that is almost unobtainable? When mature, this Philodendron will have beautiful wide heart-shaped leaves. A combination between the leaves of the Nangaritense and the Mamei, however, the leaves of this Philo remain completely dark green and the veins are deep but have the same dark green colour. Are you also curious what this baby will look like when it grows up?

    • Diameter3cm
    • Height±10cm
    • LovesPartly shady
    • BenefitsAir cleaner

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    Hi, I’m Emma, your PLNTS.com guide!