Philodendron Joepii


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Pot styles perfect for this plant:

Ava Pot Creme
Splanky Pot Green Blue
Stu Pot Ceramic
Tess Vase Pot Rustic Brown
Alice Pot Light Pink
    About this plant

    The Philodendron Joepii was named after the Dutch botanist who discovered her, Joep Moonen. Due to her quirky leaf shape, he suspected the plant was eaten by bugs. But after finding the same plant again, she realised that this was actually a new species. Luckily he found this species and saved her from being extinct! Now we can enjoy her quirky beauty within our own plant collections! This rare plant is quite easy to care for and with her ornamental looks will be a showstopper in every collection. Are you the lucky one to make her yours? Buy Philodendron Joepii here. 

    • Diameter12cm
    • Height±25cm
    • LovesPartly shady

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