Baby  Philodendron Brandtianum


Product review(s)

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  • Straight from the nursery
  • 250,000+ PLNTScommunity followers
  • Already sent more than 100,000 plants

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Pot styles perfect for this plant:

Terracotta Pot 9cm
Petra Pot Grey
Lisa Pot Sea Green
Otis Pot Ocher
Lisa Pot Sea Green
    About this plant

    The Philodendron Brandtianum, this baby is also known as the Silver Leaf Philodendron. She has heart shaped leaves that are olive green with silver glints. New leaves of this beauty have a yellow/orange hue that quickly changes to the darker shades of green. You can place her somewhere where she hangs down or climbs on a support. She is a very easy and fast grower. This baby not only beautifies the interior space in your home, but also serves as an air purifier by removing pollutants from indoor air.

    • Diameter3cm
    • Height±8cm
    • LovesPartly shady
    • BenefitsAir cleaner

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