Hydro Grains

Hydro Grains

1 liter


Product review(s)

Product review

1. Size
Hydro Grains ()
Total: £4.95
  • The largest range of baby plants
  • The most exclusive houseplants
  • 100% recyclable packaging materials
Hydro Grains make the care of your plants much easier. The grains absorb moisture, not only from the soil but also from the roots! You can put them on the bottom or on top of the soil, so excess water is evenly distributed throughout the soil. The solution for pots without any drainage holes. Next to that the tiny grains loosen the soil. This provides the roots more oxygen, which makes your beauty look at her best! Hydro Grains may look fragile, but they can be used over and over again. They are basically indestructible, so definitely worth buying!

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