
Dischidia   Nummularia


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Nummularia ()
Total: £18.95
  • Straight from the nursery
  • The most exclusive houseplants
  • The largest range of baby plants
  • Diameter14cm
  • Height±25cm
  • LovesPartly shady

Small,round and cute leaves, do we need anything else? The Dischidia Nummularia gives a ton of these adorable leaves, on hanging vines, how cool?! She is a very easy going plant, which makes her the perfect addition for inexperienced PLNTSparents. She has earned a very fitting nickname to her look, namely ‘String of Nickels’. Can you also use a mellow plant? Buy Dischidia Nummularia online.

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Everything about Dischidia

Dischidia is the sister genus of Hoya, so if you are a fan of the Hoya family, you will love this beauty. The only difference is that we rarely hear about the Dischidia family. How sad! This genus is an incredible one. This beauty is tropical, native to China, India and Indo-China. A fun thing about this plant is that it grows on other plants: it's an epiphyte!

Plant expert Rachel

More about Dischidia