Baby  Anthurium  Villenaorum

Flamingo Plant


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Pot styles perfect for this plant:

Terracotta Pot 9cm
Robin Wood Selfwatering Pot
Lisa Pot Sea Green
Petra Pot Grey
Ava Pot White
    About this plant

    As you might know, the Anthurium family has some very pretty species within the family. The Anthurium Villenaorum fits right in with its pretty looks. She has velvety leaves popping with veins on them. Her leaves can become quite big later in her life. So who knows how big she will become under your care! Will you be adding this rare Anthurium to your collection? Order Anthurium Villenaorum online.

    • Diameter6cm
    • Height±10cm
    • LovesPartly shady

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    Hi, I’m Emma, your guide!