Baby  Anthurium  Balaoanum

Flamingo flowers


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Pot styles perfect for this plant:

Terracotta Pot 9cm
Robin Wood Selfwatering Pot
Lisa Pot Sea Green
Ava Pot White
Petra Pot Grey
    About this plant

    This is the Anthurium Balaloanum and she is very rare. Her big heart shaped leaves are real eye catchers that you fall in love with immediately. She originates from Ecuador, where she lives as an epiphyte.  This means that she lives on top of other plants, which will require a special potting mix inside our urban jungles. But don’t worry, with the right care she will grow big and even more magnificent than she already is! Have you fallen head over heels for this beauty? Buy Anthurium Balaloanum online.

    • Diameter5cm
    • Height±5cm
    • LovesPartly shady

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    Hi, I’m Emma, your guide!