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In this article
- 1 How to care for Spathiphyllum (Peace Lily) - Expert tips for Thriving Plants
- 1.1 Spathiphyllum Care Tips
- 1.1.1 Light requirements
- 1.1.2 Peace Lily Watering
- 1.1.3 Nutrition
- 1.1.4 Temperature & Humidity
- 1.1.5 Soil & Repotting
- 1.1.6 Propagating Spathiphyllum
- 1.1.7 Why isn't my Peace lily not flowering?
- 1.1.8 Most common pests on Spathiphyllum
- 1.1.9 Is Spathiphyllum poisonous for your pets or children?
- 1.2 Buy your Spathiphyllum online at PLNTS.com
How to care for Spathiphyllum (Peace Lily) - Expert tips for Thriving Plants
Peace lilies come from the rainforests of South America and belong to a group of plants called Spathiphyllum. They are super popular houseplants because they look great and are easy to care for. They have beautiful big glossy leaves that can be speckled, dark green or variegated. Plus, they have lovely white flowers (actually modified leaves) that last for ages!
The best part about them is that they don't require a little attention, so even people with little experience with plants can take care of them. Just make sure to water them when the soil feels dry and give them some bright, indirect light, and they'll be happy.
Fun fact! Peace lilies got their name because their beautiful white modified leaves look like little flags of peace. Thus, those modified leaves symbolise peace, serenity, and purity and are also known as peace plants!
Peace Lily care: 10 expert tips for growing it successfully
- Don't overwater your Peace Lily. Allow the soil to dry out before watering, as these plants can suffer from root rot if they sit in waterlogged soil.
- Make sure your Peace Lily has good drainage. As these plants don't like sitting in water, make sure your pot has drainage holes, and that excess water can escape.
- Find a spot with bright filtered light. Direct sunlight can scorch leaves, whereas too little light can cause stunted growth and fewer flowers.
- Keep it fertilised from spring to fall. You can use a PLNTS Nutrition houseplant fertiliser every 2-4 weeks.
- Don't use cold water when watering your Peace Lily. It's sensitive to cold water, which shocks the roots.
- Keep your Peace Lily away from drafts. They don't like sudden temperature changes, so keep them away from open windows or air conditioning vents.
- Keep an eye out for pests. Insects such as mealybugs, spider mites, and scale insects can all infest Peace Lilies. Keep an eye on your plant and treat any infestations right away.
- After the flowers have finished blooming, cut them off. Plants can then focus on new flowers and beautiful foliage instead of wasting energy on old ones.
- Repot your Peace Lily every couple of years. These plants can become rootbound over time, so repotting them into a slightly larger container with fresh soil can help them thrive.
- If your Peace Lily stops blooming, don't worry! They go through periods of blooming and rest, so it's normal for them to stop blooming for a while. Just ensure you take good care of the plant. It will bloom again when ready!
Spathiphyllum Care Tips
Light requirements
Find a spot where your Peace Lily plant will receive bright filtered light. It can also tolerate medium-shade well but will probably flower less. The brightest spot is the best for getting the most flowers. Just avoid direct sunlight, as this will burn its leaves.
Expert tip! Variegated Peace Lilies have less chlorophyll in their leaves, so they need more light than their solid green friends. Thus, their beautiful variegation requires a brighter spot.
You may notice your Peace Lily's leaves drooping and turning yellow or brown if you place it in a too dark corner. There may also be fewer or no flowers on the plant. Additionally, plants are more susceptible to pests and diseases when they get too little light.
Peace Lily Watering
Watering a Peace Lily should be done with care. It should only be watered when the soil is half-dry or completely dry. During the winter, water them even less. Luckily, Peace Lilies can take a beating and tolerate a short time of dry soil. If you neglect them for too long, you will have brown leaves on Peace Lily.
Expert tip! When your Peace Lily is thirsty, the leaves will droop noticeably. Once you give it a drink, it will perk up again quickly. So, watch for drooping leaves as a sign that your plant needs watering.
Spathyphullym plants can be sensitive to chemicals in regular tap water, but it depends on your water quality. If you see brown leaf tips and suspect water chemicals, just use filtered water or let the water stay 24h before watering.
If you want your Spathiphyllum plant to stay healthy and happy, use PLNTS Nutrition liquid plant food from spring until fall. Using it every 6 weeks will encourage your plant to bloom and grow more beautiful foliage.
Temperature & Humidity
As tropical houseplants, Peace Lilies like warm and humid environments. Temperatures between 20 and 24°C are ideal. Shortly, it can tolerate 16°C. Try to keep the humidity between 40-60%. If needed, raise room humidity with these tips. It is important to avoid cold, drafty windows as much as possible.
Soil & Repotting
Peace Lilies should generally be repotted every 2 to 4 years, depending on how fast they grow. When choosing soil for Peace Lily, we recommend using PLNTS organic houseplant soil.
Plant it a little deeper when repotting since it may lift itself out of the pot over time. This helps to keep it stable and encourages the growth of new roots along the stem.
Propagating Spathiphyllum
Unlike other plants, Spathiphyllum cannot be propagated via leaf or stem cuttings. However, it can be propagated by division at any time of year.
It’s an easy process that gives you a new plant in 3 simple steps:
- Remove your plant from its pot and carefully loosen the soil around the roots.
- Use your fingers to pull the roots apart in search of a clump of roots with several leaves. Cut any roots connecting the leafy section to the mother plant using clean, sharp cutting shears.
- Place your new plant in a fresh pot of soil and give her a good splash of water!
Now you have a new Peace Lily plant! Take are of it the same way you would care for your Peace Lily mother plant.
Why isn't my Peace lily not flowering?
If your Peace Lily isn't blooming, it may need more light or a change in the watering routine. Place it in a spot with bright, indirect light and water it consistently but not too much. Also, consider using a balanced fertiliser during the growing season to boost it. Remember that if the plant is too young or old, it may also not produce blooms.
Most common pests on Spathiphyllum
The main pests and diseases that can affect your Spathiphyllum are aphids, mealybugs, and spider mites. Take a close look at your beloved plant, if needed, use a magnifying glass.
Do you spot a sticky and glistening layer on the leaf? You are probably dealing with aphids! Are the symptoms of your plant more visible in the looks of your plant, like yellow or brown leaves? Then it might be mealy bugs or spider mites attacking your plant.
Check our PLNTS doctor page to recognise and eliminate your plant pests!
Is Spathiphyllum poisonous for your pets or children?
Spathiphyllum is mildly poisonous, causing digestive irritation and respiratory irritation if consumed. Ensure that cats, dogs, and small children are kept away from the plant!
Buy your Spathiphyllum online at PLNTS.com
At PLNTS.com you can buy different types of Spathiphyllum plants, like our variegated Spathiphyllum Diamond. Whether you like your Spathiphyllum big from the start or prefer to grow them from tiny BabyPLNTS into full-grown PLNTS - buy Peace Lily plants online at PLNTS.com.