Propagate your hanging plants!
Do you have long trailing vines covering your urban jungle and are you looking for a fun thing to do? You might want to put your plant shears to work! You can propagate your hanging plants with ease! Let’s dive into it!
Before making a cutting, you have to be sure that your hanging plant is happy, healthy and thriving. This means that you did not encounter any issues regarding discoloured leaves, pests or other problems. Your plant is growing well and hasn’t been a hassle to care for.
Propagating hanging plants through stem cuttings
A stem cutting is a cutting with a piece of stem with leaves attached. The stem cutting should have 2-3 leaves, which allows the cutting to produce enough energy for itself to be able to grow further. It’s necessary to clean your shears before making the cut. Dirty tools will rub dirt or harmful microorganisms into the wounds of the plant. This can harm your cuttings and the mother plant. Not something we would want to happen. Let’s go through the process step by step.
Cutting the hanging plant
Choose a piece of stem from which you would like to produce a propagation. If you have a very long piece of stem, you can cut this into multiple cuttings. The top cutting will probably grow a bit faster than the middle cuttings. But nevertheless, you can make as many as your mother plant allows. :)
Choose a substrate for the hanging cutting
Choose a substrate that works well for you. Water is one of the most used substrates to root propagations in. Not only is it already available for you in your house, but it also shows your developing roots. This way you can keep a close eye on them. Another commonly used substrate is sphagnum moss. This substrate can hold water like a champ, which makes sure it doesn’t dry out quickly. Which is exactly what your cutting wants when developing roots. There are many other substrates, which all have their own ability. Experiment with what works for you.
Placement for the hanging plant cutting
Choose the right spot for your cuttings to grow in. Different plants have different light requirements. Try to meet these requirements, to give your cuttings everything they need to make them successful. You can also meet the requirements they have regarding temperature. Tropical houseplants like to stay warm and cosy afterall. Also heighten the humidity that is up to the standards of your specific plant. This way you are trying your best to create the best environment for fragile growing cuttings, this will be definitely rewarded because it heightens the chance of getting successful hanging plant cutting, woohoo!
Growing the hanging plant cutting
Patience is key. It might be hard, but it can take a while before your cutting roots, if it roots at all. Sometimes rot can be an issue with cuttings. You will see a mushy brown part. You can cute this back, to where the stem looks healthy. Make sure not to cut in or above the node. The node is necessary for the plant to grow beyond the leaves it has now. If everything goes well, you will see roots develop within a few weeks. Once these are about 10 centimetre long, it can be transferred to a regular cutting soil that is suitable for your specific hanging plant.
And that is how you can propagate your hanging plants! Are you curious to what hanging plants must be inside your interior? Than you can check out our blog, Top 10 hanging plants in 2024. If you have additional questions, you can reach out to use. Otherwise tag is in your photos on instagram, so we can see which hanging plants are thriving in your collection. :)

Carlijn is probably one of the biggest plant geeks ever. She is always on the lookout for new gems and loves to share all her plant knowledge, tips and inspiration with our community!
April 03, 2024