
#plntschallenge syngonium mottled

#PLNTSchallenge Syngonium Mottled

During PLNTS Week, we included a free Syngonium Mottled with every order above €30,- placed on April 4th. This rare plant also gives access to our #PLNTSchallenge.

Join us and our community in taking up the #PLNTSchallenge!

This challenge is all about growth, that’s why we included a cute measuring tape with every package. The PLNTSlover with the most beautifully grown Syngonium Mottled has a chance to win €500,- PLNTS shopping credit! Read the following rules on how to participate carefully.

How to participate & rules

Participating is super easy. All you have to do is give your new Syngonium Mottled all the love, attention and care so she will grow into a beautiful bigger plant.

We love to be kept up-to-date on your plants’ growth via stories or posts, but make sure to post a picture of the final growth result on your Instagram before the 4th of July. You must include a picture of the plant with a measuring tape and should measure from soil to top. To make this challenge as fair as possible, only PLNTSlovers who received a Syngonium Mottled during PLNTS Week can join this challenge. **We will check this with the order numbers **.

Ontwerp zonder titel (36).png

Check out the competition!

@isa_87_j & @happygardenhappyhome.jpg

Photo by @isa_87_j & @happygardenhappyhome

@darja.gruen & @annaofplants.jpg

Photo by @darja.gruen & @annaofplants

@leaf_diaries & @philodenmom.png

Photo by @leaf_diaries & @philodenmom



Plants instantly make Renée happy as she's always on the hunt for cool plant trends. Inspiring our community with interior tips, surprising DIY's and fun lists is what she does best!

April 22, 2022

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#PLNTSchallenge Syngonium Mottled |