Baby Caladium
(Kaladie) Caladium Tuber - Red Flash
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The Caladium is a tropical plant originating from Central and Southern America, particularly Brazil and the Amazon, that grows in the jungle. Caladiums are beautiful plants that grow from bulbs. Their heart-shaped, often brightly colored and beautifully veined leaves make the Caladium a real eyecatcher! The leaves of the Red Flash have a green edge with pink speckles that shifts to a beautiful bright red towards the center!
You can grow the Caladium yourself with this tuber. It takes a little effort, but you will be rewarded with the magnificant leaves of the Red Flash. In the care text you can read the whole description on how to grow the tuber into a mature plant.
Caladium tuber take very little effort to plant and your efforts pay off well! In a spot in the partial shade these plants are generally happiest. They even prefer a spot in the shadow without any direct sunlight. The Caladium doesn’t like temperatures below 21 degrees Celsius. Make sure she’s in a warm, cozy spot! Caladium tubers should be planted about 1 – 2 centimeters below the soil surface with their buds pointing upwards. Growing a Caladium tuber is quite easy, with the right care, this plant will last for years! The Caladium needs a lot of water since she has quite large leaves. Be aware that she doesn’t like wet feet, so make sure there is no water accumulating at the bottom of the pot. Misting the leave of the Caladium will make her extra happy. It will also helps to maintain a nice air humidity. In fall the plant will start to die off, this is the time that you should stop watering her. You can store the tubers in the pot or in dry sand, in a dry room and at a temperature of roughly 12 degrees. Make sure to store them the right way, if you don’t do this the tubers will start to rot which isn’t desired of course! In spring you can start growing a beautiful new plant again! Place the tubers in pots with fresh soil and put them in a warm spot with a high air humidity.
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