Baby Caladium
(Kaladie) Caladium Tuber - Carolyn Whorton
Erhältlich bei: 04.03.2025
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The Caladium is a tropical plant originating from Central and Southern America, particularly Brazil and the Amazon, that grows in the jungle. Caladiums are beautiful plants that grow from bulbs. Their heart-shaped, often brightly colored and beautifully veined leaves make the Caladium a real eyecatcher! The leaves of the Carolyn Whorton are a beautiful dark green that appears to have been splashed with pink. The leaves also have beautiful bright red nerves, which makes for quite the stunning color combination. You will never grow bored of looking at this plant!
It takes very little efforts to plant a Caladium tuber but it pays off well! A partial shady spot will make these plants generally happiest, preferably a spot in the shadow which doesn't have direct sunlight. It's important to have a comfortable temperature as temperatures below 21 degrees Celsius don't make the Caladium happy, make sure she’s in a warm, cozy spot! You should plant the Caladium tubers about 1 – 2 centimeters below the soil surface with their buds pointing upwards. It's quite easy to grow a Caladium tuber. With the right care, this plant will last for years! The Caladium has quite large leaves which makes her thirsty. Make sure she doesn't have wet feet either, this will make her sad. Make sure there is no water accumulating at the bottom of the pot. Make your Caladium extra happy by regularly misting her leaves. This will help to maintain a nice air humidity. The plant will start to die off in fall**, **this is the moment you should also stop watering her. You can put the tubers in the pot or in dry sand and store them in a dry room and at a temperature of roughly 12 degrees. It an important step, the tubers will start to rot if you don’t do. This isn’t desired of course! You can place the tubers in pots with fresh soil once spring comes around. Then put them in a warm spot, preferably with a high air humidity, so you can grow a beautiful new Caladium again!
Natalja Brinster
August 12, 2022
Ich habe die Knolle wie in der Anleitung beschrieben eingeweicht und eingepflanzt. Laut Anleitung dauert es ca 4 Wochen bis es keimt. Bei mir waren schon nach vier Tagen erste Wurzeln und Triebe zu sehen. Ich bin sehr gespannt auf die weitere Entwicklung
Juli 25, 2022
Wochen später ist aus der gelieferten Knolle eine wunderschöne Pflanze geworden, die exakt dem Produktfoto gleicht. (Schnelle Lieferung aller Pflanzen im Top Zustand!)
Ida Turklin
Juli 21, 2022
Now after a month it’s putting out leaves, faster than I was expecting!
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