Plant Care Tool Set

Stainless steel



Product review

  • Größte Auswahl an Babypflanzen
  • 100 % recycelbare Verpackungsmaterialien
  • 250.000+ PLNTScommunity-Followern


    Über dieses Produkt

    This fine gardening tool set is indispensable when taking care of your PLNTS, specially put together for our PLNTSparents. If you need to remove old stems or are going to repot your plant, this 2-piece set is an absolute must. The set includes a metal garden shovel and pruning shears. The handles are made of wood which gives a natural look. The attached hanging system makes it easy to store the garden tools. The pruning shears are 19.5 centimeters long and 5 centimeters wide. The shovel is 33 centimeters long and 8 centimeters wide.

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