Baby Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma Mini Monstera
Recensione(i) del prodotto
Product review
- Già inviato più di 100.000 piante
- Direttamente dal nido
- La gamma più ampia di baby plant
- Diametro4cm
- Altezza±15cm
- AmaPunti soleggiati
- Livello di trattamentoFacile
- VantaggiFiltra l'aria
La Phaphidophora Tetrasperma è anche conosciuta (in modo molto accattivante!) come "Mini Monstera". Ma a differenza della sua sosia, che cresce da un unico stelo, questa signora può ramificarsi. Ama arrampicarsi, quindi datele qualcosa come una lampada ad arco a cui aggrapparsi e lei ripagherà il vostro sostegno arrampicandosi per tutto il vostro salotto!
Very cute
The plant arrived in perfect condition! It was unfortunate that it didnt come in a plastic pot.
Came in perfect condition with a new leaf on the way
the plant was perfectly packed (like all the others). I changed her pot and soil, and she is growing a lot. benisismo took place in the bright position but without direct sun
It came very well packaged and looks healthy. Seeing the picture I was expecting some finestration, but the plant is too young to have any. Happy with it otherwise, hope the next leaf has finestrations.
At arrival I was a bit nervous about the leaves, all of them were whole so I was wondering IF it was the right plant. But after a few days a new Leaf started to roll Up and before it was open I could see a crack in it. Wery please with my plant and looking forward to see it grow
happy and healthy, unfurling its second leaf now.
not sure why I hadn't left a review before, but I really loved my purchase. First of all, I ordered 1 but received 2 :-) The plant were tiny but looked okay. I bought them in October and now (March) are already much bigger, they put a new leaf (fully fenestrated) every week. Strongly recommended to have!! Too bad I can't add a picture :-)
A bit smaller than expected but she still looks really nice. Her soil was drenched in water but hopefully it won’t be a problem. Still a really pretty plant
Arrived with no fenestration so at first I was worried if it even was the right plant... but the new leaf came in lovely like it's supposed to and so has other leaves after that! Love this one!
I ordered this plant a week ago and it arrived today almost dead... my sister ordered two a couple of weeks ago and one died and the other is struggling. They don´t travel well at all. Still, costumer service responded quickly and perfectly : )
I ordered 3 of these and they arrived within a few days in great condition. 5 weeks later, they have put out multiple new leaves each and are settling into the big pot with a coconut coir pole and starting to vine a bit already (be aware, if you are potting baby plants in a big pot be sure the soil/potting medium is super fast draining, check out Al's Gritty Mix if you need a recipe to mix your own). I was so happy with my R. tetrasperma so much I came back to order more plants and love the new site design!
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Tutto ciò che riguarda Rhaphidophora
Il genere Rhaphidophora ha origine dall'Africa tropicale, dall'Australia, dalla Malaysia e dal Pacifico occidentale. Il genere è composto da 100 specie, e queste bellezze fanno tutte parte della famiglia delle Araceae. Queste bellezze sono capaci di iniziare la vita proprio come un seme, o addirittura essere inizialmente una pianta terrestre e arrampicarsi su un albero per inviare radici al suolo. A volte prosperano persino in acqua che scorre rapidamente. Li chiamiamo piante rifeofile. È davvero una pianta interessante, vero?