Alocasia (Orecchie di Elefante) Frydek
Recensione(i) del prodotto
Product review
- Materiali di imballaggio 100% riciclabili
- Più di 250.000 follower nella comunità PLNTS
- Direttamente dal nido
- Diametro12cm
- Altezza±30cm
- AmaPenombra
- VantaggiFiltra l'aria
Leggere variazioni fogliari sono naturali e rendono ogni pianta unica!
L'Alocasia Frydek è chiamata anche Alocasia di velluto verde per le sue foglie vellutate. Si riconosce facilmente per le sue bellissime venature bianche, che contrastano con il verde intenso delle foglie e danno l'impressione di brillare. Questa pianta ha un elevato fattore di bellezza, ma può essere difficile da trovare, perché non è molto comune. Come le altre Alocasie, ha bisogno di un po' di amore in più per continuare a brillare, ma in cambio si ottiene una pianta da salotto molto bella.
plant came with 10ish leaves but the majority being really small
When my Frydek arrived it was a bit small, but in a month time It grew so so so much. I keep this Alocasia in a semi-hydro and it grew seven new leaves. Bi-zarre! So happy I bought my Frydek from PLNTS!!
One of my favorite plants ! Beautiful, fast growing
Arrived with few damages but couldn’t complain a lot as frydek I got is absolutely beautiful
Honestly I'm so surprised! I'm so happy I ordered it online here, i almost never do. The plant was beautiful, many baby's and super healthy roots! Thank you so much!
beitiful with several leaves and baby plants growing around the main plant
So beautiful and big! Arrived in great condition and is already giving a new leaf!
Beautifull healthy plant. I only expected it would be bigger. It is quite small for the pot size
Beautiful healthy plant
Super pretty and healthy plant. Is very full compared to orher alocasias i have bought with several (at least 3) new growths shooting up. No damage on any leafs. Very happy :)
I am from Sweden Stockholm. After I ordered the plants, I received them in 4 days which really impressed me. The delivery was really quick! And thank for the, a lot of all Alocasia plants which I can’t not find them easier in Sweden! But plnt provide a lot of them and I received them in very good quality! Recommend buy the plants in summer time, the plants have better activities and the weather is also milder. Anyway, thanks for providing such lovely plants. I would like to shop more next time!
Came in with two big leaves and around 5 small ones, however all the small ones died off within few days after unboxing, which is expected after shipping so no big deal. A huge new leaf is on its way along with 4 tiny pups emerging so that's a nice compensation for the lost leaves. The plant looks beautiful and healthy, my only complaint is that this plant together with all the other ones I got in this order seems to be packed in a hurry and all of them have at least some mechanical damage on almost every leaf.
The plant is soo so beautiful!! I can believe I have it. It arrived in perfect condition with a new leave poping out. I can't wait to see it grow.
La plante est sublime. Elle me donne déjà les nouvelles pousses à ses pieds! Trop contente.
Arrived in perfect condition, despite one week of travel in cold weather. Great packaging and wonderful plant!
I am very pleased with this order. The plant was bigger and had many more leaves than I expected. The plant arrived with droopy leaves (as it was stressed from the shipping conditions), however it recovered after one week. I am now getting two more leaves at the same time. Gorgeous plant.
Arrived in perfect condition, I’m in love with this plant! After 5 days of transport it arrived healthy due to the great packing.
Wow, amazing plant. Arrived today in perfect condition.
Lovely plant, one of my favourites. It arrived in perfect condition as well and has since been thriving.
This is just a really gorgeous plant ,stunning
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Ci aspettiamo che ogni ordine arrivi in perfette condizioni. Ci prendiamo cura intensiva delle piante nella nostra serra e utilizziamo imballaggi protettivi speciali e il più possibile sostenibili per spedire le nostre piante. Abbiamo anche scritto un blog dettagliato su come disimballare e preparare le tue piante per la crescita dopo la spedizione. Tuttavia, ci sono rare occasioni in cui le nostre piante non raggiungono il loro pieno potenziale. Ecco perché tutte le piante sono garantite per 30 giorni dopo l'arrivo, se ancora nel loro vaso di coltura originale.
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Tutto ciò che riguarda Alocasia
Avete pensato di aggiungere un tocco tropicale alla vostra casa? Non potete sbagliare con le splendide piante di Alocasia! L'aspetto esotico di queste piante è adatto a qualsiasi arredamento.
Le alocasie sono note anche come piante a orecchio di elefante. Chiunque apprezzi le piante esotiche e sia disposto a prendersene cura, sarà felice di averle nella propria collezione. La cura delle alocasie può sembrare impegnativa all'inizio, ma una volta imparate a conoscerle, sarete ricompensati con un fogliame splendido e rigoglioso.