Baby Alocasia (Orecchie di Elefante) Black Velvet
Recensione(i) del prodotto
Product review
- Più di 250.000 follower nella comunità PLNTS
- La gamma più ampia di baby plant
- Materiali di imballaggio 100% riciclabili
- Diametro2cm
- Altezza±10cm
- AmaPenombra
- VantaggiFiltra l'aria
La Baby Alocasia Black Velvet, conosciuta anche come Alocasia Gioiello, deve il suo nome alle sue foglie vellutate dai toni scuri, particolareggiate da splendide venature bianche che sembrano brillare di luce interiore. Proprio come le altre Alocasie, ha bisogno di un po' di amore per continuare a brillare, ma con il vostro amore crescerà rapidamente fino a diventare una bellissima pianta da salotto.
Semplicemente fantastica, ha delle foglie belle grandi per essere una baby, sono proprio contenta di averla presa, andrà a fare compagnia alle altre alocasie che ho comprato l'anno scorso.
This little guy was company for another on its journey, again very healthy happy plant
I'm in love with this plant, the delivery took a few extra days but the plant arrived in pristine conditions anyway, and now almost 2 later the plant is thriving and it is 3 times its original size, I would defo recommend the plant and the store, I will keep getting more plants here!.
This plant is so cute! It grew a new leaf recently and I’m in love!!
Very healthy and beautiful. Can't wait for it to grow :)
Wonderful! it is adapting to the new house and one baby leaf is coming!
The plant arrived with 2 leaves, one as small as my thumb fingernail, which dies a week later. In the last month, one new leave started showing. I love the plant and I'm really happy with how is growing. However, the plant I got was much smaller than the one they put in the picture, which has 3 much bigger leaves.
I ordered two of them and both are a little bit smaller than on the picture but the leaves are still beautiful and i can't wait to see it grow!
Arrived with 2 leaves and a stem with multiple very small leaves, they get bigger every day. I love my baby black velvet <3
Very healthy leaves but only has 2 of them and no growth point at the moment. I think it’s a bit risky to sell a plant with only two leaves and no growth point. It should have at least three or a growth point so if it suffers a bit after shipping it won’t lose all its leaves. Plant seems to be doing fine though and hasn’t lost a leaf after 5 days.
I'm so happy ! The two I ordered looked even better than on the picture, healthy and full of life. Looking at them makes me smile.
A lot smaller than on the picture, but arrived in perfect condition with two tiny healthy leafs, so I am very satisfied!
Arrived looking healthy, but a lot smaller than the picture. I have put it near a window though, and am hoping for it to perk up.
as picture, very cute little plant. Roots well established. Re potted to bigger pot on arrival.
Great plant, had three leaves when it arrived, now it has grown three big leaves since then!!
Loved it ! Arrived in a good condition
Arrived with two leaves, one wasn't so healthy but it didn't matter because there was a healthy one on the way. It arrived very quickly and I was happy with the order.
Arrived extremely tiny and only with 2 leaves - this would not be an issue on its own, but one of the leaves are odd, brown-ish/red-ish colour and I do not think it will survive. Anyways, put it under the grow light and hoping for the best.
Great plants! Arrived to the UK within 3 days and were very well packaged and healthy.
I ordered two plants two weeks ago, they came healthy, they had one leave each. one plant already has two leaves now and the other plant is also forming a new one at the moment. no damage when it arrived
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Tutto ciò che riguarda Alocasia
Avete pensato di aggiungere un tocco tropicale alla vostra casa? Non potete sbagliare con le splendide piante di Alocasia! L'aspetto esotico di queste piante è adatto a qualsiasi arredamento.
Le alocasie sono note anche come piante a orecchio di elefante. Chiunque apprezzi le piante esotiche e sia disposto a prendersene cura, sarà felice di averle nella propria collezione. La cura delle alocasie può sembrare impegnativa all'inizio, ma una volta imparate a conoscerle, sarete ricompensati con un fogliame splendido e rigoglioso.