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Top 10 houseplant with stable variegation

Variegated leaves come in all kinds of colours and patterns. We all know the gorgeous white chunks on the Monstera Variegata, but this plant has the chance to revert back to a full green plant. Once having such a plant in your care, that’s not what we want to happen of course. Maybe you would like to adopt such a handsome variegated plant, but prefer to play it safe with a plant that can’t revert. That is why we collected these top 10 houseplants with stable variegation. Be ready to be amazed!

Monstera Thai Constellation

We top of this list with a very desired and absolutely stunning houseplant, the Monstera Thai Constellation. The Constellation has a white or creamy variegated pattern. This can appear as speckles and bigger chunks. Combined with her huge fenestrated leaves, she is really a showstopper!

monstera thai.jpg Foto by @oliana_plantes & @gree.n.ocean

Monstera Adansonii Mint

This is our beloved Monstera Adansonii in a variegated jacket! The Monstera Adansonii Mint has a speckled pattern, which makes the whole plant a minty colour, lovely isn’t it?

adansonii mint.jpg Foto by @lxnodes & @jackys.jungle

Philodendron Ring of Fire

This Philodendron species is a real hottie! The Philodendron Ring of Fire has long and narrow leaves with ribbed edges. You will find speckles and chunks of variegation on her leaves, that can vary from cream to a flaming red or orange.

ring of fire.jpg Foto by @livingplantzen & @oddplantlady

Calathea White Fusion

The Calathea White Fusion has artistic looking leaves that have a variety of green shades and white on the top. To make the whole look complete are the lilac bottom side of the leaves. Have you fallen for this beauty already?

white fusion.jpg Foto by @lizalisik.plants & ssyyllvviiee.21

Maranta Silver Band

This prayer plant knows how to shine! This is the Maranta Silver Band, and as her name already hints, she has a silver band in the centre of her leaf. The underside of her leaves are coloured burgundy, which compliments the other colours perfectly!

silver band.jpg Foto by @koroleva_tarzhanii &

Stromanthe Sanguinea

Are you looking for a plant with a touch of pink? The Stromanthe Sanguinea might be the one you fancy. She has gorgeous tops with soft pink and green chunks. The underside of her leaves are fuschia, which gives her a pop of brightness.

sanguinea.jpg Foto by @inside_garden & @o_borze_zielony

Philodendron Brasil

Would you like to go for a variegated plant that grows fast and has an adorable leaf shape? The Philodendron Brasil would be a great fit! This cutie has a lime stripe in the centre of her leaf, which really pops on the remaining dark green foliage. This beauty gets brighter from more light exposure, fascinating right?

brasil.jpg Foto by @negabiljaka & @keboencinta

Calathea Makoyana

A very sophisticated lady, the Calathea Makoyana. She has a very special pattern on her leaf, that makes you recognise her from miles away. This pattern has 2 shades of green and the bottom of her leaves has a red hue to them.

makoyana.jpg Foto by & @syngo_mojito

Sansevieria Fernwood Mikado

For all our low maintenance PLNTSlovers, the Sansevieria Fernwood Mikado. She has spiky, upright growing foliage that has a melange of 2 different green shades. Which makes her a very interesting lady!

mikado.jpg Foto by @hoyaobovatagal & @plant_mad_mel

Scindapsus Epipremnum Aureum

Last on the list, but certainly not least, the Scindapsus Epipremnum. She is known to grow very fast, so you will have a house covered in her stunning leaves in no time. Her bright green foliage with yellow variegation will never go out of style.

epipremnum aureum.jpg Foto by @lazylecaclub & @lilpropagator

Woohoo! That was our list of top 10 plants with stable variegation! Which one was your favorite? It might be hard to choose with so many stunners to choose from. Make sure to share your variegated beauties with us on Instagram, under the hashtag #PLNTS. We also made a blog full of information about variegated plants and how to care for them, don’t forget to check it out!



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Top 10 houseplant with stable variegation |